Page 41 of Prince of Carnage

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"Things have changed," he growls, his eyes darkening with a mix of frustration and fear. "You're involved now, whether you like it or not. You've saved their lives; they owe you, and so do I."

"Will you listen to yourself?" I snap, throwing my hands in the air. "I don't want any part of this twisted loyalty crap! I just want my life back!"

"Your life?" he repeats, his voice dropping low as he steps closer, trapping me between his body and the cold, tiled wall. "Your life is mine to protect now, you know that, right?"

My pulse races at our proximity. It's difficult to think straight when he's so close, his scent filling my nostrils, his green eyes boring into mine. "You have no right to try and control me like this! I'm not one of your playthings!"

"Debatable," he says, his gaze flicking down to my lips before darting back up again. "But you're more important than you know, Evelyn. You've seen too much, and whether you realize it or not, you're part of this now."

"No," I whisper, my anger giving way to desperation. "I can't live like this. I won't."

"Give it time," he murmurs, his hand reaching up to brush a stray strand of hair from my face. The touch sends shivers down my spine as I fight the urge to lean into it. "You might find that our world isn't so different from yours after all."

"Except for the bloodshed," I retort bitterly.

"Except for that," he agrees, his lips curving into a wry smile. "But you're strong, little rabbit. Stronger than you think. And we need you...I need you."

Chapter Twenty-Four

I can't believe the words spilling from my mouth. "I need you?” What the fuck? She saves my life and the lives of my guys, but that doesn't mean I need her, right? A nagging voice says otherwise, but I shut it out. Evelyn's dumbfounded expression tells me she heard my slip-up loud and clear. I shake my head, trying to recover. "As a doctor. I need you as a doctor."

Her face changes, almost looking disappointed. That can't be right. She tries to push past me, but I'm not giving an inch.

"I'm leaving," she snaps, her blue eyes blazing with defiance.

"No, you're not," I counter, blocking her path. We grapple with each other, our bodies colliding like two freight trains on the same track.

"I'M LEAVING," she yells, but I'm not letting her go so easily. My hands find purchase on her wrists, and I force her back onto the bed, pinning her down beneath me.

"Stay," I growl into the heated space between us, my green eyes locked with hers. The tension in the room is palpable, ouranger mixed with something deeper, something neither of us wants to acknowledge.

I can feel her legs kicking and fighting against me. With a sudden burst of strength, Evelyn twists her wrist free and throws her fist into the air. It connects with my jaw. I recoil back slightly, more from shock than anything else.

"Did you just—" I start to say, but she's already looking at me with confusion written all over her face, like she can't believe what just happened either.

"Too bad my little rabbit punches like a girl," I taunt, grinning despite the slight sting still radiating from my jaw. That seems to be all the fuel she needs, her eyes narrowing as she leaps toward me again, aiming for another blow. I catch it easily, our bodies colliding once more, and we find ourselves right back on the bed.

Caging her beneath me, I can feel the heat radiating from her body, her chest heaving against mine as we hold each other's gazes a bit too long. It's like walking a tightrope, one wrong step and we're both plummeting down. And before I know it, I'm crossing that line, my lips crashing onto hers in a heated kiss.

It's not my fault, really. Her lips feel too good against mine. I've never been into kissing women. I've never really even been into looking at them during sex. But, Evelyn's lips feel like silk against mine. Even when she's trying her best to deny whatever this is between us. She kisses me back, her anger evident even in this intimate moment.

Pulling away, she glares at me, breathing heavily. "I hate how insufferable you are," she seethes.

"Aw, little rabbit, don't lie to yourself. You love it," I chuckle, my tone dripping with sarcasm. In one swift motion, I yank down her pants aggressively.

She gasps in shock but she doesn't protest. She watches me as I coat both of my fingers in my own saliva and then enter her.

She groans at the intrusion, her head falling back on the bed and I wish that I'd never given her the stupid sweats of mine that she's wearing. I would so love to nip at her beautiful nipples right now. But, my fingers in her beautiful, warm pussy will have to do.

I work her, harder and harder, but the sounds she's making are driving me to go faster. It's obvious that she wants it. Everything about her screams how much she wants this and I'm more than happy to be the one to give it to her. I can feel her body begin to shake and shudder as her hands grip the sheets beneath her. I don't let up and within seconds, her body is responding, her walls clenching around my fingers as she breathes through her release. "You feel so good wrapped around my fingers like this. It's making me hard just watching you," I admit in that moment.

When I feel her body relax, I pull my fingers out of her, licking them and savoring her flavor as she watches me. I move my hands down to my pants, all while keeping eye contact with her, but it's obvious that she has other ideas. She tackles me backwards onto the floor and straddles my face.

"Lick it," she orders.

I chuckle. "Haven't had enough yet?"

But she doesn't respond. She just crashes her pussy onto my face and I find myself licking up her orgasm straight from the source.
