Page 45 of Prince of Carnage

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"Stupid," I mutter under my breath. "Should've stayed awake, kept an eye on her."

Evelyn's safety weighs heavily on my mind, and the thought of her being a target for the Irish makes me want to tear something apart. Primo's marriage to her sister, Isabella, already puts her in the line of fire. And with her treating both me and some of my guys? It's like painting a fucking bullseye on her back.

"Damn it," I hiss, slamming my fist onto the desk. I need to find her, make sure she's safe, but first, I have to deal with Sebastian's disappearing act.

Pulling out my phone, I dial his number. The damn thing rings for what feels like an eternity before he finally picks up.

"Yo, where are you?" I bark into the phone, not bothering to hide my irritation.

"Home," Sebastian replies cautiously. "With Evan."

"Did you see Evelyn?"

"Yeah, she drove me. Said she had to go to work."

"Work?" I repeat, trying to process that information. I thought she said she was off for two weeks. Before I can say anything else, my phone buzzes with an incoming text message. "Hold on," I tell Sebastian, pulling the phone away to check the message.

It's from Declan.

I think it's time we meet.

Fucking perfect. Just another player in this fucked-up game.

"Sebastian, get your ass back to the mansion. Declan wants to talk," I order, my voice terse.

"Can't. No one to watch Evan," he replies, the exhaustion in his voice evident.

"Fine, I'll pick you up. We'll swing by the hospital and grab Evelyn. She can watch Evan while we talk here at the mansion. With everything going to shit, I want everyone close."

Sebastian hesitates for a moment before agreeing. "Alright, see you soon."

"Damn right, you will," I grunt, ending the call. With everything on the line, and enemies closing in from all sides, I need my people close; there's no room for mistakes. And if something happens to Evelyn on my watch, well... let's just say Declan won't be the only one with a target on his back.

Descending the marble staircase, I make a beeline for the mansion's garage considering that I'm down a ride. It's a treasure trove of luxury cars, but today, I need something fast and inconspicuous. My eyes settle on a sleek black Audi A8, its polished exterior gleaming under the garage lights. Perfect.

Sliding into the driver's seat, I rev the engine, feeling the car's power beneath me. The tires screech as I peel out of the garage, en route to Sebastian's place.

"Fuck, everything's going to shit," I grumble to myself, gripping the steering wheel tighter. My thoughts race alongside the car, each turn and swerve a reminder that I'm not in control. Not really.

Sebastian's building comes into view, its dingy exterior a stark contrast to the opulence I just left. Parking haphazardly, I jump out and knock on his door, my impatience growing with each passing second.

"Hey," Sebastian answers, his weary eyes betraying his true feelings about this whole situation. Evan darts out from behind him, excitement lighting up his face. I force a smile for the kid's sake, but it doesn't reach my eyes.

"Hey, little man," I say, trying to sound upbeat despite the dark cloud hanging over us. Watching Sebastian struggle to maintain a brave front, guilt gnaws at me. He's been by my side through thick and thin, and now he's practically drowning in this mess I've dragged him into.

"Once we deal with these Westie fucks," I vow silently, "I'll get you out, Seb. Make sure you and Evan have a good life, far away from this shit."

"Ready to go?" I ask out loud, my voice gruff but determined. Sebastian nods, his jaw set with resolve.

"Alright, let's go," he says, scooping up Evan in one arm. We pile into the sleek black sedan, its leather seats a cold reminder of our detachment from reality. I slide into the driver's seat and start the engine, feeling the hum of power beneath my fingertips. Sebastian buckles Evan into a rear seat before settling into the front passenger seat. I look over at him and can see that he's completely lost in thought.

"Where we goin', Dad?" Evan asks.

"Uhm..." Sebastian hesitates, the weight of his exhaustion evident in his voice.

"Relax, Seb," I interject, trying to alleviate his burden. "We're going to meet a very special lady," I say to the little boy.

"Is it my mom?" Evan pipes up, his hopeful eyes stabbing me right in the gut.
