Page 109 of Christmas of Love

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Writing about Daisy and Hunter was so much fun!! There is something about getting to put myself in the town of Buttercup Lake that just makes the words flow. I really hope you had a ball reading this story, and I hope you’re looking forward to Nate and Amy’s story next inSmidge of Love! It will be out in early 2024, so go ahead and add it to your wish list, but there is a pre-order link available too! Just click here to view what their story is all about.

I wanted to thank you so much for reading The Sunshine Breakfast Club, leaving reviews, and sharing with your friends and family. It has really given this series life, and it’s all because of my fabulous readers. Thank you!

Smidge of Love: Small Town Romance (The Sunshine Breakfast Club Book 5)

I’m also working away on the Curiosity Bay Series too. Don’t miss out onHeart of CuriositiesandWilds of the Heart.You can read an excerpt below…

Warmest wishes,


Heart of Curiosities Excerpt

Chapter One


The sunlight flirted with the tapestry of clouds rolling over Curiosity Bay while I silently begged for a few more hours of brilliant blue skies to hover overhead. The summer storm rolling in would stop our progress, and we had plenty to do.

I puffed out air between my lips and spun around to see my three sisters staring at a box of curiosities wedged on top of a table underneath our green and white striped store awning. Our antique shop had been in our family for decades, but it sometimes felt like I was the only one who wanted to be there. Well, except for Dottie.

Our town’s honorary mascot loved basking in the spotlight with her pugalicious self. She was also the only female in our family, apart from my mom, who had fantastic luck with the opposite sex. Seated under the table by my sisters, Dottie stretched her tan paws and wiggled her curled tail, followed by her infamous snort. She’d just returned from the dog park and was feeling extra proud of herself.

My oldest sister, Mae, glanced up at me while tucking a stray piece of dark hair behind her ear. Even though my mom did a fabulous job of popping us out every two years, we'd managed to look like quintuplets, four sisters with dark hair and green eyes and a brother with the same. If you lined us up in front of the antique store, it would be hard for anyone to tell us apart, except that our brother now had a beard.

But we couldn’t be more different.

“How many more boxes of junk do we have to go through before the rain hits us?” Mae asked while my sister Emily prodded her side with an elbow.

“Don’t get Amelia all fired up. This isn’t junk,” Emily whispered. “These aretreasures.”

Audrey snickered, and I scowled at the three troublemakers. I’d say four troublemakers, but Dottie already fell asleep on us. I might be the youngest, but I felt more mature than all of them combined.

Albeit, that wasn’t saying much.

“This is only the beginning. The estate sale was ginormous,” I said with a smile.

“Ginormous, huh?” Audrey teased.

“Two portable storage units are being delivered this week, so yeah. Ginormous.” I winked, knowing that would shut them up with plenty of work on the horizon.

A catcall whistled down the street, and we all looked over to see Bryce with his Doberman walking toward us.

“Is that really appropriate?” I teased.

His eyes sparkled, and he glanced at Dottie. “It was on behalf of Herman. You know he’s got a thing for that pug.”

My sisters chuckled as Bryce and his dog walked down the street toward the post office. It was a daily ritual. Bryce was a good guy, single… and more than ready to mingle with one of my sisters, but we knew too much about him. He was the kid who ate everything you weren’t supposed to eat in kindergarten, which wasn’t what bothered us. Hey, whatever floats your boat at that age, but once he started sticking the mysterious things in our lunchboxes, all bets were off. We never forgave him.

I walked over to my sisters and peered into the box in question. It looked like somebody had dumped an old junk drawer into a cardboard box and shaken it up a bit, evidenced by a few red buttons, some coins, and a chipped ceramic spoon rest.

My eyes caught a light-green reflection at the bottom of the box, and my heart puttered a little quicker. I dug away the heavy objects to carefully pull out a center-handle sandwich plate in the Cameo pattern that was all the rage right now.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Mae said with a wry smile. “How did you spot that?”

“Oh, you mean this little four-thousand-dollar gem?” I teased, feeling the cold, smooth glass between my fingertips.

“No way is that four grand,” Audrey said, shaking her head.
