Page 116 of Christmas of Love

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He nodded and sighed as if the world might be ending. “It’s been three weeks.”

“Three weeks since what?”

We walked out of my office.

“I haven’t held a girl in three weeks.”

I spun around and stopped to stare at my cousin. “Three weeks is not a drought. Three months, probably not…Three years, sure.”

He clapped my shoulder and grinned. “You need to get back in the game, man.”

“I’ve never been in the game.” It wasn’t exactly a secret that I avoided relationships at all costs, and it wasn’t merely romantic relationships that I tended to run away from either. I wasn’t great at the whole people thing.

But I assumed that when you grew up like I did, it was common to have a few trust issues. Absent parents and boarding schools weren’t exactly what screamed warmth and stability, and then what happened with Henry’s mother just made me give up entirely on the prospect.

I shook my head as we started toward the lobby and Mary appeared with my son.

Just the sight of Henry made me feel like I was floating on cloud nine. There was something about his round cheeks and flippy hair that just made any sour day turn sweet.

I knelt down and opened my arms. “How’s my boy? Was preschool everything you hoped and more?”

Henry chuckled, burying his head into my chest as I hugged him. His giggles filled the air. I was such a lucky father. He took a step back and looked at Lucas, whom he calls Uncle Luke.

“Hi, Uncle Luke.” Henry beamed. “I drew you.”

Mary laughed and nodded. “That is true. His preschool teacher handed me this masterpiece when we were leaving.”

My cousin smiled and wandered over to take a look.

I held in my laugh as I looked at the man with no neck, four arms, three legs, and no eyes. But Uncle Luke did have two mouths.

“Nice, li’l buddy. You’re a regular Picasso.”

“Who’s Scappo?” Henry’s brows furrowed as he stared at his uncle.

Lucas smiled. “Just a famous artist. Guess what I convinced your dad to do?”

Henry turned to look at me. “What?”

“I’m taking you for fries and a live band. What do you say?”

Henry shrugged and looked at me. “MacCheese?”

“We can get some later,” I promised, which eased Henry’s mind. “Thanks for taking him to preschool this morning, Mary. The meeting this morning was way earlier than it should have been.”

“He’s a pleasure.” She bent down to Henry and patted his head. “I’ll see you tomorrow after school.”

“Bye-bye.” Henry twisted his fingers to wave as Mary left.

“So, where are we headed?” I glanced at my cousin, who was grinning from ear to ear. “And what’s the plan?”

“You can play the strong and silent type,” he told me as I walked to my car. “And I’ll be the guy everybody loves, who’s doting on his adorable nephew.”

“Not quite what I meant, but fine.”

“We’re headed to Griffin’s.” He got into his car, and I nodded.

“Uncle Luke is silly.” Henry giggled as I put him into his car seat in the back.
