Page 94 of Christmas of Love

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“Whoa, slow down there, Millie.” I grinned, taking a bite of the gingerbread Santa but relishing in her compliment because, as of now, I just felt in over my head.

“So that’s why Brielle moved to town?” Nina asked.

I nodded. “That’s why she came over too. I still didn’t expect to invite her in for coffee on day one, but it was a relief.”

Nina leaned in, her eyes wide with intrigue. "Come on. Was there a dramatic showdown?"

I smiled, shaking my head. "I swear. I was telling the truth earlier. Actually, we ended up bonding over our shared love for terrible reality TV shows. She's not so bad. And the nanny sounds amazing.”

“Nanny?” Millie asked.

“Yup. She has more than one, but Amy is who will be here in Buttercup Lake the most, helping with Tate.” I looked around at the ladies and drew a deep breath. There was something addicting about this little club of ours. “I think I found our next match.”

Millie gasped and looked at all the members. “Who?”

“Amy.” I cleared my throat. “Amy and Nate.”

“The elf?” Abby grinned, and I chuckled.

“I think we should introduce him as the sheriff first.”

She winked at me. “Good call.”

“So, you’re serious?” Millie asked, intrigued.

I nodded. “It was actually Hunter’s idea.”

“Wow. I was worried I was running out of people.” Millie looked surprised.

Abby and Maya had already cleaned up the mess on the floor and handed Millie a second plate as she took a seat. “Then we have a lot of work to do. We'd better get on it.”

As I sat surrounded by the magic of the Christmas season and our quaint little book club, I realized how much my life had changed for the better since letting myself believe in the idea of love. And thanks to Hunter, I didn’t have to let loss define me any longer. I smiled, grateful for the love, friendship, and unexpected surprises that had come my way because of these women and the Sunshine Breakfast Club.

The planning session ended right on time, and I made my way home and parked Foxy in the drive. There was something different about the way she drove lately, and I hoped she’d make it through another winter.

I trudged through the freshly fallen snow to my front door, which Hunter quickly opened. The crisp winter air nipped at my cheeks, and I couldn't help but replay the evening in my mind. The Sunshine Breakfast Club’s party had been a delightful blur of delicious treats, laughter, and stories filled with hope that warmed you from the inside out. Yet, amid the festive cheer, my thoughts kept drifting back to us—to Hunter and me.

When Hunter opened his arms wide, a flutter of excitement stirred in my belly. Purrlock wrapped her tail around his ankle as she purred.

"Bringing a date, I see," I teased, my heart dancing merely from seeing Hunter.

"She insisted," he replied with his lopsided grin that never failed to quicken my pulse. “And you know I can never win with her.”

“Seems to be a theme with the females in your life. It’s good that you have a son.”

Hunter kissed me on my cheek. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too.”

Purrlock walked back inside and settled on the rug. A mischievous spark ignited in her eyes. Before we could react, she leaped toward the mantel again… this time, knocking over a Santa figurine. Hunter dove like a quarterback and caught it in his hands.

“She is quite a handful,” he muttered.

"Purrlock gets it from her owner," I joked as he stood back up and set the figurine on the mantel.

Hunter closed the gap between us. His blue eyes held mine with an intensity that made my heart race.

The air between us crackled with unspoken hopes and dreams, the kind of thoughts that linger on the tip of your tongue, but they never quite find their way into the world. There was something about sharing the unspoken with Hunter that made me feel like we could conquer anything in the world.
