Page 19 of On the Brink

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“Oh, girl. Tell me the angels have blessed you and that man is hotter than hell and wants to take you to bed.”

Charley burst out laughing, drawing Dog’s gaze back. “I’m not sure about that last part, but the first part is definitely true.”

“I want all the details. What’s he look like?”

“Well, I can’t exactly say right now.”

“Oh, right. He’s there. Find an excuse to take a picture and text me. I’d rather have that anyway. And if he offers the other thing, TAKE HIM UP ON IT!”

Charley cringed. Dog had to have heard that, Livvie yelled so loud. “Okay, okay. I definitely heard you.”

“Alright. I’ll let you go explore the hottie, but you need me, you call me, hear?”

“Yes, and I will. Thanks for caring.”

“You’re my BFF. It’s what I do.”

Livvie disconnected, and Charley returned the phone to her lap.

Dog looked up. “Friend?”

“My best one. My ex called her and stirred her up. She wanted to come be with me, but she has a newborn. She can’t come up here with the baby. It wouldn’t be practical.”

Dog grunted, a sound Charley was getting used to. “Sounds loyal. Good thing to have in a friend.”

Charley yawned again. She guessed even rubbery chicken would suck the blood from her brain. “I’m going to rest now.”

“Good idea.”

And with that, she dropped off to sleep.


“Baby, wake up.”

Mmmm. I stroked his jaw, the stubble rough under my fingers, then tugged at the goatee on his chin. Soft lips smiled, and I stretched towards them with mine. He said last night he wanted to taste my lips. I’ll have just one kiss, to see if it’s as sweet as I think it will be, then I’ll back away…

“Charley, wake up. Doctor’s here.”

Charley’s eyes snapped open. Dog was leaning over her, those lips, that goatee within reach. She gasped, and her cheeks flushed with heat.

“Didn’t mean to startle you, but your doctor’s here,” Dog said. “He wants to talk to you.”

The doctor from the night before entered Charley’s field of view. “Ms. Abbott, I’m Dr. Niles. I’d like to explain your test results.”

She struggled into a seated position. “Of course. I’m eager to hear.”

Dog backed away. “I’ll leave. You don’t need an audience.”

“No, please—” Charley grabbed his arm.

Dog stopped, his eyes wide. Charley wanted to ask him to stay but how weird was that? She barely knew this man, yet she wanted him to hear personal medical information. She released him with a nod.

Dog gave her a half smile. “I’ll be outside. Won’t go far.”

“Thank you.”

He shut the door behind him as he left. Charley shivered in the suddenly very cold room.
