Page 47 of On the Brink

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This was impossible. Worse. It was exactly what he had threatened to do, and he’d followed through. There was no way anyone would get him out of this mess without him paying what he owed. This new accountant must have just told Mr. James what he wanted to hear to steal her business.

Charley continued to read.

I think I deserved your consistent attention with this IRS issue, but your continued absence from Charlotte leads me to believe I am not your priority. Your father was always the consummate professional. Sadly, you have not lived up to that title.


Clement James

Hehaddeserved her attention. And Charley hadn’t given it to him.

Tears welled in her eyes. What would this do to the reputation of Charles Abbott and Associates when it got out? Word-of-mouth referrals were everything in her business. For privacy reasons, she couldn’t advertise her successes, but a client could do it for her. Or trash her, as Mr. James would now.

Charley covered her face with her hand. Daddy must be rolling over in his grave at this news. How could she have let him down this way?

Footsteps padded in her direction. God help her, if it was Adele, Charley might have to lay her out flat on the floor. Charley snorted. As if she could.


Thank god, the voice wasn’t Adele’s. Charley dropped her hand from her face. It was the woman who’d had the laundry earlier. “Yes?”

The woman extended her hand. “I’m Krystal. I work here at the clubhouse, but not in the way you assumed before. I do the housework, cook meals, generally play the role of the guys’ moms except without the discipline. They’re very good to me. I like living here.”

Her hand didn’t waver during her speech. Charley glanced at it. The nails were trimmed and neat but without polish. Charley slipped her hand into the outstretched one. “It’s nice to meet you.”

Krystal smiled as she retracted her hand. “I doubt that’s true, but it was kind of you to say. I wanted to talk to you a minute while Dog’s in the shower. He didn’t ask me to, so don’t think he put me up to it. I just want you to know how I see the club and Dog in particular.”

Charley shifted on the stool. “Okay.”

“I know my opinion may not matter, but I wouldn’t feel right if I let you leave without telling you how I came to live here. Not all the details—those are mine to hold tight—but enough for you to understand. See, I was pretty broken, physically and emotionally, when Cutter found me. I’d just gotten out of an abusive relationship, and the guys in the club, well, they don’t look too highly on men hurting women.”

Her gaze was steady as she spoke, though Charley thought she saw shame or guilt flicker inher eyes.

“Cutter brought me here, and I’ve been here ever since. They’re so good to me, Charley, and place no pressure on me at all. Ordinarily, the woman who holds the title I do, House Mama, gains that title by…well…by what Adele does for the guys along with her other duties. But they understood I couldn’t do that. Not in the shape I was in. So, they gave me the job of glorified housekeeper and part-time nanny.” She smiled. “That last part isnot an official title, but I swear that’s what I feel like with some of them.”

Charley covered the smile she couldn’t stop. She could totally see Cutter needing a nanny now and again.

“Now, about Dog. He is the best of the best here. No man finer. He’s rough around the edges like the rest of them. Except Luke. He’s a special one, but I’m getting off track. Dog isn’t an asshole, like so many bikers can be. He’s sincere and genuine. And if he cares for you, he’ll do anything for you. You remember that when you’re thinking about what happened here today.”

She stepped back, and it was obvious she was finished.

Charley wanted to believe Krystal’s words about Dog. They tracked with her experience of him. Yet, she couldn’t overlook what she’d learned at the clubhouse.

“I will do that, Krystal, but woman to woman? I don’t know that I’m okay with what goes on here. Everyone gets to make their own choices about their lives. I get that. But I also get to choose how I live mine.”

Krystal nodded. “Well, at least you have more information to ponder before you choose. I’ll let you get back to what you were doing. It seemed important.”

Charley watched her retreat toward the back hallway, the contrast between the women as obvious as the growing space between them. Charley couldn’t imagine being hit by a man, much less living in an abusive relationship. Or having the only place she could turn being a motorcycle club. She had to say something before Krystal left the room.


The woman stopped and looked at Charley.

“Thank you for sharing your story. I’ll keep in mind what you said.”

Krystal graced Charley with a shy smile and left the room.

With a heavy sigh, Charley returned to the email. Oh, boy. Back to the client that fired her.
