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“Then why are you smiling?”

“Forgive me, it’s just nice to see you. I’ve missed you.”

I rear back, shocked by the declaration.

Beside him, Jane chuckles.

My cheeks heat. I direct my next words to her, “Does he have a concussion or something? Has he been checked out by a doctor?”

Again, she chuckles. “I wouldn’t be surprised if he does. Our family doctor is on her way over to do a thorough exam on both of us.”

“Good.” I glance at Declan warily. He’s still smiling, and his attention is still on me. His affectionate behavior after days of silence is nothing short of confusing. “You’re definitely concussed.”

He laughs. Despite everything, the warm sound does pleasant things to my heart.

“Or maybe I’ve just missed you?” He’s grinning, but there’s a serious gleam in his eye.

I think of our conversation at the museum—of what happened there. I thought Declan wanted me back in the penthouse for safety. Now, I’m wondering if he really does miss my company. But then why avoid me for days?

I avert my gaze. I can’t think straight when he looks at me likethat.

Another gasp escapes my lips when I see the angry red burn traveling down his bicep and forearm. “Oh my god, Declan. Why is that not bandaged?” Liquid seeps from the wound. I’m not a doctor or nurse, but I know a wound susceptible to infection when I see one.

Declan’s uninjured hand lifts in a dismissive wave. “It needs to breathe.”

“It needs to be cleaned up and covered.”

“The doctor instructed us to leave it uncovered,” Jane says.

My eyes fly to hers. I note the wry twist of her lips as her gaze darts between me and her stubborn cousin. I know what she’s thinking. That my concern for her cousin is a good sign. An indicator I feel more for him than indifference.

But she’s wrong.

I mean, not about my feelings. But about the reason for my concern.

I’d be just as worked up if I saw the injury on her arm…

“Fine,” I huff, deferring to the unknown doctor’s instruction. “But has it at least been cleaned?” There are streaks of dirt on his shirt and arms.

“I’ll see to that right now, Miss Furnari.”

I turn and watch as a stunning woman wearing a white coat over a formfitting pencil skirt and blouse glides into the study. Her outfit isn’t so different from the one I’m wearing, but the stranger’s curvaceous figure makes me look like a prepubescent teenager playing dress up. Nolan walks in behind the stranger, carrying what looks like a black medical bag. He must’ve been the one to let her in the penthouse.

“Dr. Ailish,” Jane greets, confirming the newcomer’s identity. “Thanks for coming.”

“It’s what your boss pays me for,” the buxom blonde returns in a slight Irish accent. She speaks to Jane, but that doesn’t stop her from shooting Declan a flirtatious wink.

I bite the inside of my cheek to refrain from saying something stupid. Like telling the ridiculously beautiful doctor to keep her winks to herself. I do, however, clear my throat.

The doctor’s crystal blue eyes find mine. The smile she wears doesn’t waver. “Miss Furnari, would you mind stepping back so I can assess the patient?” That’s the second time she addressed me by name. If she knows who I am, then she knows my relationship to Declan. That should be enough to thwart the flirtatious air floating off her in waves.

Get it together, Cat.

“Of course.” I move back until I stand next to Liam in front of the bookcase. Nolan crosses the room to hand the doctor her bag, then moves to stand on the other side of me. I don’t know if he and Liam realize they flank me, but I’m thankful for their proximity. It feels like they’re in my corner. Literally.

Jane scoots over and Dr. Ailish sits on the cushion beside Declan. She looks at the burn on his arm, then bends down to retrieve nylon gloves from her bag. “I understand you were closest to the explosion?”

