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He grins. “Just goes to show that you can’t judge a book by its cover.”

“No.” I can’t help but return the smile. “I guess not.”

Austin Vaughn may look like a stuffy lawyer with his designer suits and perfectly coiffed hair, but it turns out he is funny and down to earth. I enjoyed hearing about his upbringing. Raised by a single mother, he struggled as a teen to find his place before one of his friends convinced him to join their high school’sdebate club. That’s where his love of debate was born, and what ultimately led him to law school and his thriving career. His determination to make something of himself is impressive, but even more noteworthy is the fact he takes care of his mother financially. Doing so allowed her to retire from her thirty-year career as a waitress at a local diner. Now, she’s enjoying her golden years in a retirement community one town over.

Austin holds open the restaurant’s door for me. We walk side by side as we make our way to our cars. I open my driver’s side door and toss my purse inside, then lean against the car and look up at Austin. “I had a great time tonight.”

“Me too.” He moves closer, resting his hand on the top of the Volkswagen, next to my head. “What are the chances of getting to do it again?”

My smile turns shy. “I’d say pretty good.”

“Yeah?” His eyes dart to my lips.

“Yeah.” I tilt my head back as he inches closer. I know what’s coming next. We both enjoyed the date. A goodnight kiss isn’t a surprise.

But when Austin’s lips brush against mine, I’m taken aback by how unaffected I am. There’s no spark. No tingling in my toes. No flutter in my stomach.

The kiss is justokay.

And I’m disappointed.

When Austin draws back and gazes down at me, his happy smile reveals he viewed the kiss differently. He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. “Text me when you get home?”

“Of course.”

Austin waits for me to get into my car before closing the door for me. With a small wave, he walks to his car, gets in, and drives away. I exhale a relieved sigh but immediately tense up when I face forward.

Through the gastropub’s glass window, I can see Derek’s back. He’s still sitting at the bar.

I was proud of myself for how little my gaze traveled over to him during dinner. Not even when I felt his disapproving stare land on me did I break my determination to ignore him while on my date. He'd been rude to Austin. He may be a big shot in California now, but the Derek I grew up with would never be such an ass to a stranger.

I should drive away and let him wallow in whatever self-pity motivates him to sit at a bar alone for hours, but when I see the bartender deliver yet another beer before clearing away the three empty glasses in front of him, I find myself getting out of the car and walking back into the gastropub. I don’t know what I’m going to say. I just know I can’t drive away without checking on him.

I slide onto the bar stool next to Derek’s slumped figure. He doesn’t even look up. “What the hell is your problem?”

His reaction is delayed, likely thanks to the alcohol. Glazed eyes slide over to me. “Hello to you too, Liv.”

“Seriously, Derek.” I frown. “What’s wrong with you? What are you doing here?”

“Drinking.” He lifts the fresh glass of beer. “What does it look like?” He lifts the drink to his lips, but I grab his wrist and tug it until he puts it back down.

“You don’t need another beer.”

“No?” He lifts a brow.

“No,” I confirm. “You’ve had enough.”

“Keeping tabs on me, Liv?”

I scoff. “Hardly.”

“Then what are you doing here?” Derek looks over my shoulder. “Where is yourdate?”

I ignore his petty tone. “Austin is on his way home.”

“I’m surprised you’re not with him.”

I bristle. “Despite what you may think, I don’t go around sleeping with every guy who gives me a modicum of attention.”
