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“Have you given any thought to what you’re going to do when you go back to California?”

“Not yet.”

If Grandmom was the type of person who rolled her eyes, I have no doubt she would do so. As it is, she has too good manners. “Honestly, Derek. Why not? You’ve loved this girl the majority of your life. Why haven’t you discussed your future plans?”

“We just started dating five days ago,” I remind her with a laugh, hoping to hide how uneasy this line of questioning makes me. Not because I’m not interested in things continuing once I go back home, but because I’m not sure how Olivia feels about the subject.

Before last night, I would’ve assumed she’d be open to long distance. But knowing she goes out and has no problem meeting people, and also remembering her date with the lawyer, makes me wonder why she’d agree to those terms.

Sure, we have history. That should count for something. But I can’t shake the gnawing feeling that Olivia won’t want to date once we’re no longer in the same zip code. Not because she doesn’t care about me, but because that sort of relationship takes a lot of work. Both of us are busy with our careers, making it that much harder to maintain a long-distance relationship.

You should’ve thought about that before asking her to be your girlfriend…

“I’m aware,” Grandmom replies. Gentle reprimand laces her words. “But these things are best discussedbeforethey become a problem.”

She has a point. Still, it seems a little early for the “where is this relationship going” talk. I know what I want, but I don’t want to scare Olivia away.

Olivia returns before I can come up with a response, and the topic dies.

She and my grandmom resume chatting, this time about a different show they both watch.

Eventually, I make note of the time and clear my throat, drawing their attention. “We should get going so you can get to bingo,” I tell Grandmom. I stand and offer her my hand.

“Oh my. I completely lost track of time.” Her spotted hand lands in mine, and I help her to her feet. “Thank you for coming over, Derek.” She wraps her thin arms around me for a hug, then moves on to Olivia. “It was so good to see you, darling. Don’t be a stranger.”

Olivia closes her eyes as she squeezes Grandmom in a tight embrace. “I won’t. It was so nice to see you, too.”

I motion for Olivia to walk in front of me as we make our way out of Grandmom’s apartment. Before I can cross the threshold, I feel a tug on the back of my shirt. I turn and look down as Grandmom slides a small, square box into my sweatpants pocket.

I lift a questioning brow, but before I can say a word, Grandmom whispers, “This is for when the time is right.” She winks. “Olivia is a special girl, Derek. Don’t let her slip through your fingers again.”



Monday morning dawns,and I’m relieved to discover I’m fully recovered from Friday night’s escapades.

I don’t drink often. Not since college, really. My tolerance for alcohol is drastically different from my early twenties, as is the duration of the subsequent hangovers.

Derek had been an angel this weekend. He stayed over Saturday night after we left his Grandmom’s, and he kept me supplied with food and water through the night and the following day. Sunday, we stayed at my place and binge-watched episodes of our favorite sitcom.

Naturally, the show reminded me of our makeout session on the futon in his parents’ house. I expected to repeat the experience, but Derek was determined to keep me at arm’s length until I recovered from my night of “fun”. We fell asleep in each other’s arms.

When I woke up in the middle of the night and saw him lying on my couch, his long limbs hanging over the armrest, a fresh wave of guilt washed over me. He’s the complete package, a true gentleman, and I’m keeping a secret from him.

I need to get this off my chest before we can move forward with our relationship, but I’m terrified that doing so will be the beginning of the end of us.

I send Derek a text to invite him over for dinner before I walk into the lab. I wait for his response confirming he’ll be there before I silence my cell phone and get to work. By the time five o’clock rolls around, I’ve caught up on inventory, ordering, and quality control reports for the entire week. I’d spend the entire day searching for tasks to help distract me from what’s to come later tonight.

But now that the workday is done, it’s time to face the music.

I’m only home for ten minutes before there’s a knock at the front door. With a steadying breath, I answer it and see Derek standing there, looking as handsome as always, holding a massive bouquet of lilies, daisies, and carnations. But it’s the soft smile on his lips that sends butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

Youhaveto say something.

I care about Derek too much to let this secret simmer—to not address what needs to be addressed if we have any hope of moving forward together.

I just pray it doesn’t ruin everything.
