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Avery smiles in triumph and stands. “Good, but do yourself a favor and shower first. You’re a mess.”

I scowl and roll my eyes. “Geeze, thanks, sis.”

“Anytime, baby brother.”



My cell phoneringer is off, but I’m roused from a restless nap by the sound of its vibration bouncing against my wood coffee table. I almost roll off the couch when I reach to grab the offending device. I save myself just before my head meets the floor.

I look at who’s calling and groan, but I slide my finger over the screen to answer anyway. “Yes?”

“Olivia,” Hank clips. “Where are you?”

“I took a sick day.”

“We have a meeting with the research scientists today to discuss their proposals for new equipment.”

“Have the meeting without me.”

Hank fumbles, “But I’m not up to date on our deals with vendors.”

“Well, maybe you should be.”

“Excuse me?”

It takes me a moment to realize I didn’t just think those words, but I actually said them out loud.

I consider apologizing. I can say I don’t feel well and that’s the reason for my rude remark. But then I remember how he’s treated me lately—how he’s treated me for years. Hank takes advantage of my work ethic but doesn’t give me the recognition I deserve. I understand that’s life. Some people go their entire careers without receiving their due. But I’ll be damned if I let that happen to me without putting up a fight.

“You know what, Hank? This isn’t working for me.”

“What are you talking about, Olivia?” He sounds exasperated. “When can you be here? I can push the meeting back an hour, but no longer than that.”

As if I need any more reason to do what I’m about to do.

“I quit, Hank.”


“I quit. I’ll send an email with my official two weeks’ notice within the hour.”

Hank splutters, “You can’t quit. You’re the lab manager.”

“And you’re the lab director. You can pick up the slack until you hire my replacement.” We both know that’s not true, but it should be. And Hank knows it.

“Olivia,” Hank’s voice loses all traces of his earlier irritation. “I’m sorry for calling when you’re sick. I shouldn’t have. Don’t worry about the meeting. I’ll insist we reschedule. There’s no need for you to quit.”

“Actually, there is. My career has peaked at the lab. And while I appreciate all the skills I learned while working there, it’s time for me to move on and do something else.”

“Olivia, please… Is it a raise you’re after? I can make that happen.”

“This isn’t about money, Hank. It’s about knowing what I want for my future.” And since I royally fucked up my personal life, my professional life is all I have left.

For the next three minutes, Hank continues to try and persuade me to change my mind. But a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders the moment the words “I quit” left my lips, and I refuse to change my mind.

When the call ends, a smile rests on my face. It immediately falls when my eyes land on the sweater tossed in the corner of the living room. Derek left it here yesterday, and seeing it reminds me of how badly I screwed up.
