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I blink, surprised by the seemingly random question. “But no one’s dancing right now.”

“I don’t mean right now.” He runs a hand through his hair—a nervous tic I recognize from our childhood. “But tonight. Will you dance with me? At least once?”

I don’t know what to say.

The question seems innocent enough, but there’s nothing innocent about how I feel about Derek.

I’ve been in love with him for years. I’ve come to terms with the fact we will never be together, but that doesn’t erase all the memories I hold dear. Or the fantasies that still creep into my head when I’m not expecting it.

I’m not pining for Derek, but I’m not over my crush. He’s been friendly during the wedding festivities, and I thought he was just being polite. But now his question makes me wonder things I shouldn’t. Doing so will just me up for heartbreak.


“I don’t know, Derek. Is that a good idea?”

“It’s the best idea,” he replies without hesitation.

“Why do you say that?”

Once again, he looks towards the ocean. In contrast to his avoidant gaze, his next words are filled with resolve, “My therapist tells me I should stop trying to avoid disappointment. That I need to live my life with the intention of being happy.”

I had no idea Derek was seeing a therapist, but I’m happy to hear it. I believe everyone can benefit from seeing a professional to help navigate the complexities of life in the world today, but that’s especially true for people who’ve experienced trauma—like the betrayal and death of a close friend.

I let his words sink in, then ask, “And you think dancing with me will make you happy?”

A genuine smile curves his perfect lips when he looks back at me, showcasing a charming grin that never fails to make my heart squeeze in my chest. “Yes, it will.”

How is a girl supposed to say no to that?

Even though I suspect doing so will set me up for the disappointment Derek’s therapist warns him he can’t avoid, I squeeze his arm gently and give him a smile of my own. “All right. Sure, Derek. I’ll dance with you.”

Because even after all this time, I can’t say no to you. I never could…





I shake my head and blink as my mind returns to the present.

“Sorry.” A blush creeps over my cheeks when I see Derek watching me expectantly. “It’s been a long day.”

He opens his mouth to say something else, but we’re interrupted when his mother calls, “Derek? Is that you?” Julia Lawson’s question precedes her turning the corner of the hallway. Her face brightens when she sees me. “Olivia! You made it. I didn’t hear you come in.”

“Hi, Aunt Julia.” I force a smile and step towards the stunning brunette who’s been my mom’s best friend since college. “Sorry I’m late. I got held up at work.”

She wraps me in her slender arms for a tight hug. “You work too hard at that lab. I hope they know how lucky they are to have you.”

“They do,” I lie, returning her hug before stepping back. “I hope you didn’t wait to eat for me.”

“Of course, we waited. For both of you.” She looks at her son. Her expression remains soft, but there’s a hint of concern in hereyes as she takes in her youngest child. “Are you sure you want to join us, Derek? We’d understand if you’re tired after your flight and would rather rest.”

“It was a non-stop flight, Mom. All I did was sit in a chair.”

“Okay… if you’re sure.” Aunt Julia takes my hand and begins to lead me to the dining room. “Come on, Olivia. Let’s get you some food, and then I want to hear all about what’s going on with you. It’s been too long since we’ve seen you.”
