Page 101 of The Ever Queen

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Avaline Mindtaker was a mere turn younger than Livia. She ought to have been to the royal city as a courtier long ago, but Joron never parted with his precious gift.

She dipped her chin. “Highness. My father feels I am better suited here.”

Of course, he did. “Joron. Like I told your footman, I will have you address the queen properly. It aggravates me when she is ignored.”

Joron sneered, beastly and with unmasked derision, and tipped his head. “Welcome to the House of Tides, Queen.”

Only queen. Nothisqueen. I wanted to forgo our plans and split Joron’s sneer across his face permanently.

“I was pleased to hear the king was arriving,” Joron said, swirling his flute of wine more than sipping. “Although, I am unfamiliar with your guests.”

“Then you’ve proven yet again how little fighting you did during the war.” I opened my arm to the earth fae. “Allow me to introducethe royal lines of the earth realms, and the earth bender, king of the Night Folk fae.”

Joron’s eyes bulged. “You . . . stand with the Ever King’s killer?”

“The Ever King is not dead.” I patted my chest. “If you speak of the former king, then yes. I stand with those who stand with my queen. Her father seems to do that well enough.”

The bastard smoothed down his garish doublet and sniffed. “Of course. Naturally. Well, to what do I owe the honor of your visit?”

“Surely you’ve heard, Joron. We’re a kingdom divided.”

Joron sipped slowly, pale eyes unblinking. “There’s been talk. I take it you’ve come to petition me for my support against . . .anotherheir of Thorvald, am I understanding correctly?”

“Actually, I care little about your support.” I pointed to his daughter. “We seek an audience with Lady Avaline.”

A flush filled her pale cheeks, taken off guard. But the slightest flicker of a grin painted her lips, as though the notion of speaking to another soul that was not Joron brought her a true thrill.

A scowl crept over Joron’s slanted features, a storm rolling over the sea, slow to build and vicious. “I’m afraid I cannot permit it, My King. My daughter does not take well to other people. Certainly not such strangers as earth fae.”

“She seems to be handling it just fine,” Sander said.

Joron frowned. “Surely you’ve heard of her fits, King Erik.”

Avaline hung her head and took a small step backward.

“I’ve heard,” I said. “Though, strangely, have never witnessed one.”

“Only because I have kept her within our walls.”

“I need to speak to your daughter.” Time for patience was at an end.

“And, again, I am afraid for the wellbeing of my daughter, I must refuse.” Joron dipped his chin with derision. “Respectfully.”

Respectfully, I’d cut off his balls and shove them down his damn throat if he sneered at me once more.

“What do you say, Avaline?”

She jolted, lifting her gaze. Avaline shot a look to Joron’s twisted face. He glared at her, puckering his features like drawstrings cinched his brow and lips.

In her silence, I’d not noticed Livia had peered around the corner of his home until another hacking cough drew out her panicked tone.

“Erik!” Livia was on her knees. “Gods, look.”

“I beg your pardon.” Joron rushed for the edge of his manor. “There is nothing of interest to the House of Kings, and I do not permit unprovoked rummaging.”

On Joron’s first step toward Livia, he was met with the curved edge of a battle axe propped beneath his chin. Valen’s eyes were black as slate.

Avaline let out a shriek of surprise and covered her mouth, but she did not cower, merely watched as each step Valen took nudged Joron back toward the entrance of his manor. “Don’t go near her,” was all the earth bender said.
