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“Cam!” a loud voice called out behind me, and I turned to see Forest hurrying to catch up with me, his backpack haphazardly slung over one shoulder.

He pushed his damp brunette hair back off his forehead, giving me a lazy smile. “How’s it going?”

I shrugged, looking over at the theater building. “Not bad.Can’t believe there’s only a month left in the semester.” There were only two weeks until Thanksgiving break, and I was wholly unprepared to go home.

He slung an arm around my shoulder. “Still looking for your mystery girl?”

“Forest.” Pushing his arm off of me, I held back my groan. “Don’t make me regret telling you that.”

But as much as he was teasing me, I’d needed to tell someone. And more than the other guys, I felt like they wouldn’t understand. They’d see it as just a hookup, nothing more. But that didn’t account for how I’dfelt,even just talking with her. I’d had zero expectations, and as much as I’d loved every bit of attention I’d given her body, I would have been content just spending another hour or two outside on that porch.

A lopsided grin formed over his face. “How easily they fall.”

Just then, my phone buzzed again.

Tomorrow, 10am? We can meet at the coffee shop on campus if you want.

I quickly added her name to my contacts so I wouldn’t forget, and then typed out my reply.

Sounds good. See you then. Anything I need to bring?

Just yourself.

And maybe your calendar.

Cheeky, but it made me smile. I liked it. Slipping my phone back into my jacket pocket, I looked up at Forest, who had a strange expression on his face.


“Who ya textin’?”

“No one,” I grumbled. “Just a sorority girl.”

“Oh, a girl, huh?”

“It’s not like that.” The words spilled quickly, like I couldn’t even hold them in. “She’s the new president for Pi Rho. Our advisors are forcing us to work together and plan joint events.” I sighed. “I’m not interested in anyone right now. You know that.” Just the Princess, but that was more of an obsession than anything.

“Sure.” He patted me on the back. “Keep telling yourself that.”

I groaned. “Did you have something you actually wanted to talk about?”

“Oh, yeah. The guys and I were talking about planning a trip up to Vermont over winter break. Want to join?”

A few weeks with them versus spending the entire break with my parents? “Hell yeah, I’m in. Are you bringing Sutton?”

“Yeah. We were talking about staying at Adam’s parents’ house near the ski resort and she might bring some friends as well.” Forest waggled his eyebrows. “Maybe you could get your mind off of mystery girl.”

“Sure, sure.” It was doubtful, but spending time on the mountain did sound like a good way to decompress after the crazy semester. At the very least, I’d try.

“How was practice?” I asked Forest, knowing he’d been working hard to keep up with his training schedule even during the off-season. He was hoping to get drafted after graduation, which was made even harder considering most guys would skip college altogether if they were good enough.

Forest’s family wanted him to have a degree, something for him to fall back on, and I couldn’t blame them. Plus, selfishly, I was grateful he was here.

“It was good,” Forest said, scratching the back of his head. “I’m just…” He shrugged his shoulders. “I have so much riding on this. My future.”

My head bobbed in a nod, a silent confirmation. “I get it.” I knew what that was like.

The LSATs were a looming date in the future, but if I didn’t do well, my hopes of getting into an excellent law school were out the window. Which meant all my plans, everything they were riding on… it could fall apart in an instant. But I couldn’t let it.
