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“They’re renting a big house up at a ski resort. I mentioned it to Mom, and she said it was okay with her.”

“Are you sure?” I bit my lip. “I feel bad. We’re not even going home for Thanksgiving this year.” Between the formal and everything else we had going on, there just wasn’t time.

“We’ll still be home for Christmas and New Year’s. Besides, I think it’ll be fun.”

I closed my eyes. It wasn’t a tropical vacation spent on the beach, but I could make snow work too. Maybefunwas the distraction I needed.

Anything to stop thinking about Cameron Edwards and his damn eyes.

There were puppies everywhere, and everyone wasallover it. We’d volunteered to help with a dog adoption event at a local park, and both fraternity brothers and my sorority sisters alike were fawning over the animals, sprinkling them with kisses and pets.

“This is awesome,” Cameron admitted with a grin on his face as a basset-hound puppy licked his face. “How’d you know about this?”

“One of our alumni started it a few years back,” I said, scratching behind the ears of a beagle who was currently sitting in my lap. “When she contacted me to see if we’d be willing to help with the event, I knew there was no way I could say no.”

“You know, this gives me an idea.”

“Hey! No piggy backing.” I pointed a finger at him.

“No.” He laughed. “I just think we should see if she’d be willing to bring some of the dogs by campus around dead week. Help with stress relief.”

“Oh. That’s actually…” A really good idea. I hated that he was right. “I think the chapters would love that.”

One corner of Cameron’s lip curled up, and he leaned in close. “That one’s all mine, Princess.”

Damn him. He was going to win if I didn’t stay at the top of my game.

“I didn’t need it anyway,” I muttered, though I wasn’t even sure how we were keeping count.

“Ella!” Audrey’s voice made its way through the crowd, and when she spotted me, I could see the mischief written all over her face.

“Hi,” I murmured to my sister.

Cam looked between us, and I wondered if he would say the same thing as everyone else. How we were identical—the major difference was our eyes. Or how people could only tell us apart based on the clothing we wore. It wasn’t like our wardrobes were completely foolproof, though. I certainly wore colors other than light blue, and Audrey wasn’talwaysin a shade of pink. Just most of the time.

“Cam, this is Audrey, my sister. Audrey, this is Cameron. My…” I trailed off. What was he to me? A friend? Barely. Something more? Hardly. “Delta Sig’s President,” I finally settled on.

Shuffling the puppy, he stuck his hand out, giving her a warm smile. “Hey there.”

“It’s nice to meet you, officially.” Audrey took his hand, shaking it. “I feel like you’re all Ella’s been talking about the last few weeks.”

Cameron smirked. “Oh, really?”

“Not true,” I muttered under my breath, elbowing my twin in the ribs.

“Ow!” She shot me a glare.

“It’s okay, Princess,” he said, leaning in closer to me. “I like that you’ve been talking about me.”

“Don’t let it go to your head,” I muttered back. “It’s already big enough as it is.”

“Not as big as my?—”

I covered his mouth with my hand. “Nope.”

Audrey laughed and gave us a little wave before heading over towards the adoption tent. “Have fun, you two!”

“So…” I looked down at him, still holding the puppy. It had settled down in Cam’s lap, and he was scratching at its ears. “Have you ever had a dog?” It seemed so at home in his arms, so comfortable. Like it never wanted to leave. Maybe I knew why.
