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The warmth from Cam’s presence heated my back, and I could practically feel him there, even if he wasn’t close enough to touch.

For the rest of the night, we chatted with the fraternity brothers and my sorority sisters gathered around the room. I tried to ignore his heated stare, taking a drink to ignore how much I wanted his lips on mine again, how every part of my body was screamingyesas my brain screamedno.

The weekend was over too quickly, and I tried to ignore the twinge of disappointment that nothing else had happened between Cam and I. I didn’t want it to, and yet…

“Hey, Gus,” I smiled, plopping into the chair next to him in our construction and draping class early Monday morning.

“Hi, Ella,” Gus said, returning my smile as he tugged at his beanie. “How’d the party go?” He’d been meeting me after I’d run into Cam at the library, and I’d confided in him I didn’t quite trust myself around him.

Something I hadn’t even told my sister. She knew I’d slept with him, of course, and that a repeat was not in the cards, but… Maybe I’d just thought Gus would understand. He’d confessed his crush to me, after all.

“Fine.” I flushed, ignoring the wave of dizziness that hit me suddenly. “I mean, it was good, it’s just…” I rubbed at my temple.

“Are you okay?” He looked concerned. “You’re not looking too good.”

“I’m great,” I said, though I wasn’t quite feeling it. “Just tired.”

He frowned. “Maybe you should go take a nap after class.”

“I can’t.” A sigh escaped my lips. “I have class, and a million things to do.” Plus, we had laser tag tonight. I’d be lucky if I even sat down to eat lunch today.

He just shook his head as our professor walked in to the classroom, and I fixed a smile on my face.

Everything was fine. I’d get through tonight, and then maybe the pounding in my head would subside.

Maybe I’d just take a nap first.



Iscanned the crowd, but there was one head of blonde hair completely absent from the crowd of sorority and fraternity kids who were excitedly chatting amongst themselves as we waited for the buses to take us to laser tag.

Like I’d promised, everyone was hyped up, and to my surprise, they didn’t even complain about being paired up together. Some of my guys were excited as hell to play against each other. I didn’t think it hurt that they also got the bonus of attempting to flirt with the Pi Rho girls.

But where was Ella?

I pulled out my phone, sending her a few texts in rapid succession.


Where are you?

We’re leaving in 10 minutes.

If you don’t text me back, I’m showing upat your door.

Are you okay?


Don’t come over. I sent Suzie to run the event in my place.

Just go. Have fun.

I frowned. It wasn’t like her to not show up to an event. Especially not when she’d been so determined to prove me wrong throughout our little competition of hers. And maybe I was just a little worried.

Spotting her sister Audrey, I jogged over to her. “Hey. Is Ella okay?”
