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Ella shook her head, looking out the window. “I might go explore.”

“I’ll come with you,” I said without a second thought. If she wanted to go walk around outside, like hell, I was going to let her go alone.

James declined Sutton’s offer, and the happy couple left, hand in hand, as Adam trailed behind them.

Audrey had pulled out a book and was curled up in the armchair, a blanket over her lap. I had half a mind to warn Jamesaway from Ella’s twin, but it didn’t appear I needed to, because he hadn’t made a single flirty remark towards her.

Huh. Was he just doing it to Ella to mess with me?

“Okay. I’m gonna go grab my coat and boots,” she murmured in response, heading into her room.

I did the same, both of us meeting in the front room. Ella had pulled on a white beanie with a giant pompom on top over her blonde locks, and the light blue down jacket she’d pulled on brought out her eyes.

“Beautiful,” I whispered, running a finger over her cheekbone before she pulled away, clearing her throat. Like I needed the reminder of who else was in the house and might hear us.

Like I cared.

I didn’t mind if they all knew that we were together.

But that required us to actuallybetogether.

I opened the door for her, following her out into the winter wonderland. Up here in the mountains, everything was covered in a thick blanket of snow, and there was nothing quite like it.

Ella slipped her hand into mine, and I stuck both of our hands in my pocket.

“So.” Ella finally said, a few minutes into our stroll. I liked this—wandering with no purpose. The neighborhood was full of large houses, just like the one we were staying in, and many had strung up lights for Christmas.


“About what happened at the dance.”

I’d expected this—known it was coming—and suddenly, I wasn’t afraid of what her answer might be anymore. Not with her hand interlaced in mine, and not with her presence close enough to provide a balm to my soul.

I could have flirted. Could have dropped the ‘When I made you come on my fingers in a closet?’line, with a smirk on my face. But I didn’t do any of that. Instead I said, “Yeah?” With my heart practically in my throat.

“Do you still want that? All those things you said?” Sheturned to look at me fully, her bright blue eyes practically pinning me in place.

I like you, Ella. I want you. All of you.My words echoed in my mind.

Yes, I still meant them. How could I not? How could I not want her? Not when she’d eclipsed my world in a blanket of light blue, glitter and raspberry, and all I wanted wasmore.


“So we’re doing this?”

“Are you saying you like me, Princess?”

Her cheeks were already pink from the cold, her nose an adorable shade of red, but they deepened as she blushed. “Maybe.”

I laced our other hands together. Bent my forehead down to rest against hers.

“Tell me you want this. Us. That it’s not just about sex.”

I want all of you. Your mind. Your heart. Your body.All of those words I’d said.

“It’s not just about sex,” she confirmed, her gaze suddenly more focused on our hands between us than me. “You make me feel comfortable. I like spending time with you. I…” Ella shook her head, watching as I ran my thumb over her knuckles. “I want this. I want us. I wantyou.”

“Thank fuck,” I breathed, dropping our hands so I could tilt up her chin—bringing those beautiful eyes back to mine.
