Page 126 of Sonata of Lies

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Pavel chuckles. “I’m not cleaning up that mess. Send me the address and I’ll meet you there.”




I hold back the sigh and do as he says, obediently opening my mouth while keeping my gaze lowered to the floor. He presses the single grape between my lips and I take it reluctantly. At least his grumble of approval means I’ll be spared his backhand for another minute or two.

And at least I’m not kneeling on the carpet this time. My knees have been growing red and raw, and I think Master noticed because he frowned at them the last time I stood. After throwing me a bottle of lotion and telling me to “fix that shit,” he hasn’t made me kneel since.

Today, he’s put me in a silky negligee with lace trim along the collar, which dips so low I’m not sure it counts as coverage. The hem just barely covers my butt cheeks, and of course I’m not allowed to wear any undergarments.

Master wants me “available” at all times. And even though he hasn’t actually taken me to bed yet, he takes great pleasure intormenting me with constant threats that any moment might becomeTheMoment.

Like right now. Master’s hand dances on my thigh, up and down, up and down. His other hand keeps feeding me grapes. When juice trickles from a particularly juicy bite, Master leans in close and drags his thumb along the path.

“We have a special guest coming over today.” Master pushes another grape into my mouth. “I want you on your best behavior.”

“Yes, Master.” I keep my voice soft. It’s no use being anything other than cooperative; I need him to trust me. It’s too soon to try to escape, but once he starts showing signs of trust…

Well, I won’t be waiting around to see how far he’ll go. I’ve got too much at stake and too many people waiting for me to get the hell out of here.

“Don’t get any ideas about asking him for help. He’s the last person in this world who will save you.”

Against my better judgment, my body stills. Does this man know how to read my mind? Does he know I was just now thinking about escaping?

Master’s free hand roughly grabs me by the chin and yanks my gaze up to meet his. He’s not pissed, but he’s also in no mood for games. His grip on my chin tightens to a painful level. I’m pretty sure there will be bruises in a few minutes.

“Listen to me now,umnitsa. He will not help you. No one will help you. You belong to me, and no one ever dares steal from me. If you so much as blink at him the wrong way, I will not hesitate to throw you down and fuck you raw right in front of him. Andthen maybe, if he asks nicely, I’ll let him take a turn on you as well.”

I can’t hide the shudder of fear that rolls through me. It makes his face contort into a sick smile. It’s not difficult to see he’s imagining me acting up just so he has the excuse to do exactly that—and I’m sure his “guest” is just as horrible as he is.

How long will I have to endure this hell before there’s even a glimpse of a chance at escaping?

“Will you let him hurt me?”

Master looks at me like he’s considering the options. His eyes lower to drink in the sight of my deepened cleavage. “All my people are dangerous men. But the one coming today is the worst. Ruthless, heartless, and he will not hesitate to kill you if I allow it. After he’s thoroughly enjoyed making you scream for mercy, of course.”

I bite my lip to stop it from trembling. I believe him. I’ve seen enough to know he’s telling the truth about the company he keeps.

Master relaxes and chuckles. “But since I paid so much for this sweet pussy, I’m not about to lose it to some petulant boy’s temper. I won’t let him kill you,umnitsa.But fuck around on me, and I will let him hurt you until you beg me for death.”

I lower my eyes and nod. “Yes, Master.”

“Good girl.” He rises to his feet. “Then it’s time to go get ready. He’ll be here soon.”

Slow and steady breaths. I need to keep taking slow, steady breaths so I can keep my thoughts in order and not lose any chance of escape because I was too terrified to see it.

I don’t know who Master’s friends are. But I can guess, given his transaction back at the auction, that it’s probably Raizo stopping by for a check-in.

Or worse—one of the other bidders who still wants a taste.



In an effort to avoid seeing my father for as long as humanly possible, I make a pit stop back at the villa compound to check on things.
