Page 82 of Sonata of Lies

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I don’t know when I came to that decision. I want to say it was the moment I saw her emerge from the villa in that dress like a goddamn wet dream. Or when the asshole made a play for herin the ballroom and I realized I’d sooner break my own furniture over his head than let him lay a hand on her.

But if I’m going to be honest with myself, I don’t know if I ever actually was going to sell her in the first place.

All talk, no action. Like a fucking amateur.

Like a man who can’t admit when a woman’s stolen something he never thought he had.

I plow through Raizo’s guards without a second glance and make my way back to the ballroom. If Clara listened to me, she’ll be right where I left her. And while she almost never listens to me, I still have this hope that she might actually shock me for once.

I sneak through the back hallway so I can get to her faster, snatch her away from these vultures, and get us the hell out of here. Let whatever happens while I’m gone, happen. I’ll wash my hands of it all later.

But before I reach the double doors, I see movement in the far corner near a dead end.

“You… mother… fucker…”

I pause. “Martin. You look…”

He looks like his ass got handed to him. He stumbles out of the shadows, blood trickling from one lip. “Keep your fucking hands off my woman.”

“She’s not your woman. Take the loss and move on.”

Martin laughs and shakes his head, wiping the bloody spittle from his chin. “Notmyloss. I made sure of that.”

Ice shoots through my veins. “Where is she?”

“She’s just having a little chat with her daddy, that’s all.” Martin sniffs back another trickle of blood. “Once he’s done with her, we’ll be a happy little family again. And you can go back to fucking right the hell off. Until I arrest you for something, of course. I’ll figure something out.”

Once he’s done with her…


I have to find Clara.

I have to find Clara and get her the hell away from these men.

I don’t spare Martin another second of my time. He’s not worth it. But when I spin on my heels to go find her, his hand shoots out and grabs my arm, yanking me back.

My fist is the first thing to follow.

Martin’s head snaps back with the blow, andfuckdoes that give me a rush. I’ve wanted to beat him to a pulp since the moment we met, and now, there’s no one around here to stop me.

So I don’t stop.

At all.

“Where the fuck is she?” I demand between punches. “Where. The. Fuck. Is. She?” His head repeatedly snapping back into the floor is music to my ears.

He manages to wriggle me off of me, spraying blood in every direction as he spits, “Back the fuck off, Zakrevsky! She’s mine!”

I actually laugh in his face because my god, is he delusional. “What part of ‘no’ do you not understand?”

“You kidnapped her! You stole her from me!”

“And there isn’t a thing you could do to stop me. Does that keep you up at night, friend? Do you wonder why it was soeasyfor her to turn her back on you?”

Martin’s glare darkens. “Shut your fucking mouth.”

I scoff. “That’s why you’re so hellbent on keeping her, isn’t it? You couldn’t bring a woman to orgasm with a roadmap. If Clara won’t fuck you, who will?”
