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Ripping my eyes from my phone, I meet Dad’s gaze. “Okay. I’ll cut them off.”

Chapter Fifty-Two


Christmas is miserable.

In the last three days, Athelia hasn’t answered a single text or call from us. We try to get in contact with Haven, but she’s not at her dorm, and she’s not answering her phone.

We have the rest of December off from work. When Char found out I’d been injured, I think she wanted us to all have a little break. I was frustrated at first, but now, I’m grateful for the time off. I can’t think straight like this.

As usual, Cal spends Christmas Eve with me at my parents’ house. Neither of us sleep much. How could we?

Christmas dinner with my extended family is torture. The conversation is dull, and everyone asks me and Cal about our futures and our plans. I give the same generic answer I always do, coasting through the dinner on autopilot. My grandparents’ disapproval doesn’t even bother me.

My only thoughts are ofher.

Once everyone has gone and my parents are in bed, Wes comes over. He looks as shitty as I feel.

Caland I have run through every possible scenario. Athelia said her parents were protective. Maybe they were acting over Thanksgiving break, and they convinced her to drop us. Maybe they took her phone away. Maybe it died or she lost it.

But I keep coming back around to one reason for Athelia ghosting us. When she left, she took most of her stuff back home with her. She said it was to donate it, but…

“I don’t think she’s planning on coming back,” Wes says.

We’re all gathered in the living room. The gas fireplace is lit, and we’ve kept most of the lights off.

“Why’d she do that?” Cal asks. He’s taken it the hardest out of the three of us. Of course he has.

“Maybe she decided she doesn’t want to be with us after all,” Wes says tiredly.

It’s unlike him to be so passive. I was expecting anger. Hurt. For him to suggest that we kidnap her and bring her back here regardless of what she wants. But he’s quiet, a shell of his usual self.

“No,” Cal says. “She wouldn’t do that. Not like this. She told me she loved me.”

“Obviously, something changed.” Wes has been staring into the fireplace blankly, but now he moves his gaze to us. “Do you think it was her parents?”

I cross my arms. “I think we need to find out.”

“You sure that’s a good idea?” Wes asks.

“I already told her the other day. I’m not letting her go when I only just got a chance to be with her again.”

“What if this is a test of some kind?” Cal asks. “What if she wants us to prove that we’ll always fight for her?”

I look to Wes. “What do you think?”

He sighs. “God knows she has every right to test us. It’s a possibility.”

“Then we’ll fight for her.” I stand. “Obviously, texting and calling isn’t enough. We’ll have to do this in person.”

With a nod, Wes says, “I agree. We’ll leave in the morning.”

. . .

When we arrive at the Harper residence, Athelia’s car is parked in the driveway. At least she’s here. I was worried she’d be out with friends or something.

My heart is in my throat as we walk up the front porch’s steps together. I ring the doorbell before shoving my hands in my leather jacket’s pockets.
