Page 50 of Ruined

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“Wes,” I groan. A memory comes back to me then—one of him holding me while I passed out. He kissed me so softly I wondered if it was actually him who fucked my throat so heartlessly in the woods.

“Come for us, Harper,” he commands.

Just then, Wes loosens his fingers, and all the blood rushes to my head. My mind goes blank, and I come so hard I’m worried I’m gonna pass out again. Cries fill the room, and it takes a second for me to realize they’re mine.

“Yes,” I shout. “Oh my god, Kellan, please don’t stop. Please,please—”

Wes clamps his hand over my mouth. “What did I tell you about saying please?”

I whimper against his hand. For a moment, I debate biting him, but I don’t want him to shove a gag in my mouth again.

“I’m coming,” Kellan groans. He grips my hips as he does so, letting out a breathless moan that I hate myself for finding hot.

Now that my orgasm is fading, my senses are flooding back. Any notion of pleasure or satedness evaporates, replaced by a stomach-turning repulsion.

What on earth was I thinking?

I’m just about to beg Cal to stop again when he grunts. He lets go of my breasts, sitting up a little and stroking his cock right in front of my face.

Ugh, of course he’s going to come on my face.

Cal moans my name just as cum spurts onto my cheek. I close my eyes as more falls onto my nose and across the seam of my lips.

It’s not until Cal has slumped onto the bed next to me that I hesitantly blink open my eyes. Kellan is still inside me, and based on where his mask is aimed, I’m pretty sure he’s looking at me.

I’ve been expecting tears, but they don’t come. Instead, rage ignites deep inside me.

Who the fuck do they think they are?

“Untie me.” My voice is shaking, but not with fear.

Wes releases a half-amused breath. “You’re not going anywhere.”

“Untie me,” I shout. “This was too far. You sadistic, selfish,vileassholes.”

“Fuck,” Cal mutters. He scrambles up and starts working at the cuffs on my ankles.

“Don’t,” Wes growls as he grabs Cal’s wrist.

Cal shoves him off. “No,youdon’t. We’ve done enough.”

Wes reaches for Cal again, but Kellan steps in between them.

“Maybe he’s right,” Kellan says.

“We’renotbacking down now,” Wes snarls.

“Have you stopped to even think about what you want to do to her?” Cal undoes the second cuff before moving to my wrists. He runs his fingers through my hair, murmuring, “I’m sorry, baby.”

“I’ve thought about it plenty,” Wes snaps.“You’rethe one who isn’t thinking straight.”

“I am,” Cal yells as he fumbles with the cuffs in the dark. “Fuck, someone turn on the damnlight.”

I wince and shut my eyes when Kellan flips it on. Now that I’m not so focused on coming, I realize my head is aching.

“You can’t hurt her as badly as you want to and then still get to keep her,” Cal tells Wes.

“That’s not for you to decide.”
