Page 55 of Ruined

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Since that first night in the hot tub, she’d already wrecked me for anyone else. Now, I’m a complete goner.

Once Wes and I are on the interstate, he picks up speed, weaving around the few cars that are out this early. I follow suit, watching as I approach one hundred miles per hour and surpass it. A grin spreads across my face as I easily catch up to Wes.

The sooner we finish this, the sooner we can get back to Athelia, and I’m sure Wes is thinking the same thing. This job shouldn’t take much time, anyway.

When Wes told me and Cal that he had a way to get out from underneath his stepfather’s thumb, we were all on board. The fucker shouldn’t even be able to hold Wes’s trust fund hostage, but somehow he got his hands on it.

It’s a stroke of luck that we were able to get this type of job. According to Wes, it’s what his dad used to do before he passed. His uncle is still involved, and he was able to hook us up. I’ve never met the guy. We communicate solely with an older woman named Charlotte, and she only ever tells us the bare minimum.

All I know is that she works for some type of top-secret organization. I don’t even know if it’s government-run or not. Hell, it could be a secret division of the CIA, and I’d never know.

To be honest, I don’t care. They pay well, and that’s what matters.

The summer before our junior year, the three of us had to go through intense training. Mid-August of last year, Charlotte started dishing out our assignments.

At first, it wasn’t anything that big. Mostly just surveillance and reporting back to Char on the day-to-day lives of seemingly random people. But as it turned out, they weren’t random at all. We still don’t even know what any of them were planning on doing. The second we reported something suspicious, we were kicked from the job, and more experienced agents took over.

Slowly, Char started trusting us and our abilities more. She gave us more intense jobs, and before we knew it, no one was coming in to finish the job becausewewere finishing it.

By the end of our junior year, we’d killed at least four people each. It caught me off guard, how much I enjoy it. There’s a feeling of total power that comes with ending someone’s life. From the terrified surprise on my victims’ faces to the way the spark drains from their eyes, I’ve fallen in love with it.

Unfortunately, we’re not killing anyone tonight. Our assignment is simple—steal a laptop and leave a sealed envelope Charlotte gave Wes.

The man we’re stealing it from has been on a months-long trip, and his flight landed around two this morning. By the time we show up, he should be dead asleep, which makes our job easy.

Wes and I park a few blocks away from our target’s house. He’s silent as we move swiftly across the sidewalk, but his shoulders aren’t as tight as they were when we left. Riding seems to have loosened him up some, as it always does.

He pulls his black ski mask over his head, and I follow suit. By this point, we know exactly what to do, so we exchange a wordless nod and move in.

The house is dark as we approach. It’s half past five, so the city is just starting to wake up, but this neighborhood is pretty quiet. The people who live here are on the wealthier side. They wouldn’t get up at five AM even if you paid them to—they simply don’t need the extra cash.

We enter through the back door. I handle picking the lock, and Wes deals with the security system. As we move through the house, I flex my gloved hands. From what Charlotte told us, this guy isn’t the type to set up booby traps, but you can never be too careful.

The laptop isn’t anywhere on the first floor, so we make our way upstairs quietly. The first room we encounter appears to be a home office, and a laptop bag is sitting on the desk.

Wes opens it, shining a small flashlight over the device to confirm it’s the correct one. With a small nod, he slips it out and slides it into his backpack. Then he pulls out the sealed cream envelope and places it on top of the now-empty laptop bag.

“Let’s go,” he whispers.

I follow him downstairs and back outside. We jog back to our bikes, where we both replace our masks with our helmets.

It takes us a half hour to get to our meeting place with Charlotte. She’s leaning against her black Bugatti, her red lips pursed. Behind her, the sky is beginning to brighten.

“You have it?” she asks as we dismount.

After pulling off his helmet, Wes grabs the laptop from his backpack. Neither of us ask what’s on it. If Char told us, she’d probably have to kill us afterward.

“Good.” Tucking the laptop under her arm, she surveys us both. “You two look tired. Get home and rest up. A new batch of assignments will be heading your way soon.”

“Do you have anything we could knock out this morning?” Wes asks.

Inwardly, I groan. It means more cash, but all I want to do is curl up in bed next to Athelia and sleep for the next decade.

Charlotte narrows her eyes. “You want something specific?”

Wes doesn’t even hesitate. “I’d prefer a kill… or two.” He nods to me. “You know, so Kellan doesn’t feel left out.”

With a sigh, Charlotte opens her car door. “Give me a moment.”
