Page 60 of Ruined

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Where are they? Goddammit, I have to get out of here.

You’re dead either way. Might as well take your time.

“Where are my shoes?” I shout.

Kellan walks down the stairs, completely unashamed at the lack of clothing covering his body. “You don’t need them.”

“I do,” I insist. “I have to go, Kellan. I have to be somewhere.”

He raises an eyebrow. “Where?”

“None of your damn business,” I snap.

Cal stumbles down the stairs after Kellan. At least he’s in briefs. “What’s wrong? Why are you so freaked out?”

“You wouldn’t understand.” I rip my arm away when Cal reaches for me. “Just tell me where my boots are and let me go.”

Cal and Kellan share a tired but wary glance. Without a word, they seem to come to the same conclusion.

“Just give me a minute,” Cal says. He slips out of the room.

“Why are you so scared?” Kellan asks. I’d fall for the concern on his face if I didn’t know just how much he loves seeing me afraid.

“Fuck you,” I snap.

He steps toward me, and I back away. His frown deepens, and a line forms between his eyebrows. “Athelia, is something—”

Cal steps back in with my boots and a bundle of fabric that look suspiciously like my clothes. I shove my shoes on, not even bothering to tie them.

“Do you need a ride or something?” Kellan asks.

I laugh, the sound ringing hollow in my ears. “I wantnothingfrom you.”

Snatching my clothes from Cal, I don’t look back as I run out of the room. Neither of them follow me as I storm down the stairs and out the front door. I’m not much of a runner, and these shoes aren’t meant for that, but I don’t care. I run and run and run until I’m standing in front of my dorm’s door.

“Where is it?” I groan, sorting through my things to find my keys. They’re still in my dress pocket, thank fuck.

After shoving my door open, I throw my clothes to the floor. “Haven?”

But her bed is empty.

So is the bathroom.

Maybe she’s out getting breakfast.

I start the shower before stripping out of Kellan’s clothes. After plugging in my phone so I can call Haven when I’m done, I lock myself in the bathroom.

I brush my teeth as the shower warms up, staring at myself in the mirror. My stomach flips with shame as the events of last night come flooding back to me.

How could I want that, even for a second? How could I wantthem?

In the shower, the hot water stings, but I don’t care. I scrub at my body, trying to wash off every touch from Wes, Cal, and Kellan. It’s not until my skin is raw and red that I stop.

You have to hurry.

Out of the shower, I throw on the first clean clothes of mine that I find. The hickey on my neck is worryingly visible, but it shouldn’t be a problem. Makeup can work miracles if you know how to use it correctly.

Once I’m dressed and I’ve covered up the hickey, I give myself a once-over in the mirror. My dark hair is still wet, and my eyes are bloodshot. At least I don’t look like I spent half the night in the woods and the other half getting drugged and fucked by my bullies, which is what I was going for.
