Page 26 of Ruthless Desire

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“I’m yours,” I said in a seductive tone.

“I want you as my girl,” he demanded again.

“What are you saying?” I asked, as I squinted my eyes.

Laughing, Chase leaned in close. “I want you to be my girlfriend,” he said.

“Good,” I managed to say, through my lust-filled craze.

As I lay there underneath him, I realized that the heat radiating off both of us warmed the temperature of the room.

“Want to take a shower?” Chase asked, as he looked down at my naked body. “I need a cold shower,” he smiled.

“I don’t know,” I said, suddenly hesitant.

“I don’t want to pressure you, but we did just get naked and performed some pretty naughty and pleasurable acts on one another.” Chase smirked.

Slapping his arm, I giggled and covered my eyes. I knew I sounded crazed. Here I was lying naked but not willing to have sex with him or take a shower? That was insane.

“I know,” I said, grabbing his hand. “What we just did was absolutely amazing, but I’m not ready to have sex with you yet. I just need a little bit more time. I promise, you won’t have to wait too long,” I finished, kissing him softly.

“I don’t expect you to have sex with me. I respect your virginity. Like I told you, it’s one of the many things that makes you so sexy and alluring. I just want to shower with you and watch your sexy, perfect ass get naked and wet,” he said, as he nibbled my bottom lip.

Moaning, I sighed as I felt myself giving in. “Okay, fine.” I smiled.

Lifting me up, Chase carried me to the shower where we spent another hour getting dirty and then cleaning one another.



My mind was reeling as I lay in bed thinking about Lizzie and everything she had told me. And everything we had done. Touching and kissing and tasting her body had pushed me over the edge. If I thought I cared about Lizzie before, last night solidified the fact that she had just ruined me for anyone else.

She was mine now.

It was still incredibly hard to believe that she had overcome so much pain. How her parents could hate her, I couldn’t understand. My pride for her grew as a small smile spread across my face in the darkness of my hotel room. She was a fighter too, just like me. That idea made her ten times more alluring to me. Lizzie wasn’t just a girl with a dream; she was a determined fighter who kicked life’s ass when it got in her way. Damn, this girl was sexy, both inside and out.

Taking her to my favorite spot was a way for me to build her trust. Lizzie needed to know I wouldn’t hurt her. I needed her to believe that I could care about her. Especially after she had allowed me to explore her body sexually. I knew she was guarded and used her virginity as a way to keep a sense of control andsecurity in her life, but she had given me a part of herself she had never shared with anyone before.

I twitched as I thought about how soft her skin was and how tight and wet her pussy had been when I had stuck my fingers deep inside. Her body was an amazing wonderland with her curves and flat, taut stomach. She had the type of body women would kill for, and I could hardly stand to have to wait to touch and see her again.

My phone kept ringing and with each sound breaking through the silence of my room, I prayed it was Lizzie calling. Instead, it was Jax who had invited me out with a couple of guys from the casino, but I refused to go out with them. I knew exactly what they had in mind—chase some tail. I didn’t want a hook-up. I didn’t want to get off with some chick I just met and wouldn’t even care about. No, I wanted Lizzie, and I was perfectly happy staying in and alone while images of sweet, honey-colored hair and beautiful eyes flowed through my mind.

“Come on, man. Just come out for one beer,” Jax pleaded, as I heard a few of the other guys laughing and talking in the background. From the sounds of their loud voices, they were all pretty hammered already.

“No, I told you, man. I’m staying in,” I argued back. I was irritated with having to explain myself. No meant no to me. No explanations needed.

Besides, I was still seething angry with the idea that someone in Lizzie’s life had the nerve to hurt someone as fragile and sweet as her. I wanted to hunt down each and every one of them and cause them the same type of destruction they had caused to Lizzie. Right now, in my mind, that was exactly what I was doing.

“Chase, you never go out. Don’t you want to get some action?” Jax said, with a laugh.

Yep, he was hammered. Jax knew I was interested in Lizzie, only he didn’t know the extent of my newfound obsession withher. I was sure, if anyone knew how much I thought about her or how much I wanted her, they would probably lock me up and throw away the key.

“Nope. I’ve had plenty of action in my life. I’m tired,” I added, with a yawn.

“Fine. I know you had your date with Lizzie tonight. I get it. Tell me about it tomorrow?” Jax asked. He knew not to push the topic anymore.

“Sure, we’ll talk. See you tomorrow,” I said, before hanging up on Jax. I turned off my phone and closed my eyes.
