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Because I’ve been keeping tabs on you for the past five years. I shrug and reply, “Word gets around.”

“Hmm.” She narrows her eyes for a moment, before turning to take in the rest of the room. It’s done in neutral colors, and there are two cribs placed next to each other against the wall. Two dressers. Two nursing chairs. Two high chairs. Two changers. Two baby mats rolled up against the wall. Essentially every single thing in the room is in pairs. She does a small turn around the room, hands outstretched with a wide smile.

“Why will we need two chairs? I can only nurse in one at a time.” She looks at me like I’m crazy.

“Because I’ll be in the other one, obviously,” I counter. “Where else would I sit in the middle of the night when they both wake up hungry and mad?”

She stares at me in shock for a moment, then returns her attention to the decor. “Ezra, this room, everything…it’s beautiful. I love it.” She grins at me, her hand dropping to cradle her stomach.

“I’m glad you do.”

“Did you have Andrea pick everything?”

I avoid her gaze as I shrug and say, “Nah. The only thing Andrea did in here was arrange the stuff. I bought it all.” The woman at the store was gleeful, pointing me toward the different items and making suggestions.

“Really? Wow.” She walks to the cribs and picks up a stuffed bunny. She examines it for a moment. “You know, it still doesn’t seem completely real to me yet. I mean I know I’m pregnant, I literally feel them moving around, I-I just—” She shrugs helplessly and adds, “I don’t even have a room assigned for them yet in my apartment. I haven’t bought anything, and here you have all this. Even Ella went crazy baby shopping last week, and I just haven’t bought anything. Do you think I’m going to be a good mother?”

“What?” I frown, walking to her in quick strides. “You want me to be honest? I think you’re the only mother for my children.”

“Be serious.” She rolls her eyes as she carefully returns the bunny.

“Iamserious.” I take her hands in mine. “Look at me. You think I’ve ever messed around without protection? You think I’d take that risk with just anyone?”

“What does that have to do with my question?”

“When I asked you if you were going to keep the babies, you were so angry that you walked out of my office. I realized it was because it didn’t even occur to you to terminate the pregnancy. You found out you were pregnant and that was that. You’ve never once tried to use the babies as leverage. On the contrary, you’re trying to push me away because you think the only reason I want to get together isbecauseof the babies. It doesn’t matter if you’ve purchased anything or decorated a room. All that matters is what’s in here.” I lift her hand up to her chest, pressing my palm against the back of her hand, so she can feel her heart beating.

“And anyone with eyes can see that you love them fiercely already. So, yes, I think you’re going to be a great mother.”

Her bottom lip trembles and she walks into my arms, burying her face into my chest. “Y-you really think so?” she asks.

“I know so,” I assure her, running my hand through her hair. “You think you’re crying now. Just wait until you see our room,” I add with a devilish grin. I don’t care if that was too much, this woman just brings it out of me. To my surprise, she laughs. Music to my ears. I grab her hand, casually running my thumb over her naked ring finger. “This is where we’re going to live when you eventually marry me so you have to tell me now if you want anything changed.”

She laughs softly as she pulls away from me. “Then lead the way, Mr. Beaufort.”

After the tour,we drive into town to visit Andrea’s bar.

“Well, look who’s…Charlie!” Andrea opens the gate separating the bar area from the rest of the room and jogs toward us to clasp her arms around her. Charlie lets out a soft humph, then giggles as she hugs Andrea back.

“Great to see you too, Andie,” I tease.

“Whatever, I have to see your ugly face every day. I’m forgiving you because you’ve brought in this gorgeous, glowing woman today and my niblings.” She grins as she pats my shoulder.

“Niblings?” I ask as we go to the booth designated for Alex and me. No matter how crowded the bar is, this booth is always left free for us.

“Because I don’t know yet if she’s carrying my nieces or nephews. It’s a gender neutral term,” she explains. “When will we know? Do we want to know?”

Niblings. I chuckle. That is so Andrea. “I don’t know. It’s up to Charlie.”

“I think we’ll be able to find out by the twentieth week. I want to know because I cannot for the life of me stand surprises.”

“Me too! Oh thank God for small favors.” Andrea grins as we take our seats. “Oh, by the way, Autumn is here too. She’s using my office. Autumn!” she bellows.

“For the love of God, dial her number or go get her, you heathen.” I roll my eyes in exasperation. But Autumn is already opening the door at the back of the bar. Of course, she heard Andrea’s shout. People in New York heard her.

“Why are you shouting again, Andrea? You almost shattered my eardrums,” she teases affectionately, adjusting her glasses. “Oh, hey, Ezra. Looking handsome as ever.”

I grin, getting on my feet to kiss her cheek. “You don’t look too shabby yourself. This is Charlie. Charlie, my sister-in-law, Autumn.”
