Page 39 of Regaining Integrity

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I can’t deny she’s right. The old me—the one who didn’t think twice about burning through women—would have had no problem showing off places around the house and the barn where I took girls and got away with fucking them.

I really wasn’t thinking back then.

“You like her, don’t you?” I nearly jump out of my damn skin. Spinning around, I find Duke carrying a cooler to the back of the side-by-side.

“Angie?” Waving over at her as she parks, I focus on one of my best friends. “I think I really do.”

He pauses for a beat to regard me closely before he says another word. “Then you’ll do fine.” Nodding, he continues over to his wife, who’s attempting to get comfortable in the passenger seat. I’m glad to see she wasn’t going to put up a fight with Jody about driving. I don’t think her giant belly would fit behind the wheel.

The sound of a truck door closing pulls me back to my guest. Everyone else who is here is just like family coming for a visit. Angie makes it special, at least to me. I watch her make her way over to me. She’s confident in every step, adding so much more to her sex appeal. The best part of it all is she doesn’t seem to even notice any of it. If she does, she doesn’t act on it, making her that much more attractive to me.

I’m done with women who have to constantly be aware of what they look like to get the attention of other men. I’m tired of women who are only interested in my talents in the bedroom and don’t get my twisted sense of humor or try to change me.

“Hi.” Her bright smile nearly knocks me on my ass. The daylight has almost completely faded, but the shine off her face is enough to rival the power of the sun.

“Hey, thanks for coming out.” Once she reaches me, I wrap an arm around her shoulders and walk her over to my waiting four-wheeler.

“Thank you for inviting me. Do we have to go somewhere, or is it close?” She raises a brow at our smaller ride.

“Where we like to have the bonfires can be a walk, so I thought it was still warm enough to ride this. I hope you don’t mind?” The confidence and cockiness I once had with women are long gone with Angie around. None of my old tricks will work with her. I’m always on edge trying to find what will be right by her.

“It’s a perfect night to let the wine whip around us.” She doesn’t waste a second to hop on the back of the machine and waits for me.

Grinning, I can’t help a little of my former self from slipping out. “Plus, it’s a great way to get your arms wrapped around me and your legs framing my body.” Winking, I hop on and receive a teasing slap to one of my shoulders.

“Who says I need you to hold on?” The innuendo in her voice is almost too alluring. “I can take care of myself back here, you just drive.”

“Making demands?”

“Why not?” Delicious buzzing starts in my lower back and skyrockets up into my skull, turning my brain into mush when her body presses against my back and her lips tease my ear along with her words. “Let’s head out, Chase.”

For the first time in my life, I’m left speechless. Mindlessly, I nod my head and start the four-wheeler. It doesn’t take long for us to get out there, but it feels like an eternity. It doesn’t help when I made sure to hit every bump I could. Feeling her body lift a fraction off the seat and press more into me was worth it.

Even though now I’m hard as fuck and left to deal with the discomfort while we drink and bullshit with my friends and family, it was worth it.

Thankfully, Will and Valerie came out before the rest of us and already have a pretty good fire going by the time we arrive. Duke has an oversized folding chair with a stool set up for Patience and has her settled in before he even unloads his own chair and the cooler.

Holt looks ridiculous set up in a two-person folding camp chair with Jody’s legs draped over his knees.

I help Duke and Will while the girls say their hellos since there’s no need for introductions.

“Patience, shouldn’t you be popping soon?” I can’t help but chuckle at Angie’s question.

“You and Chase must think too much alike because he and I just had this conversation.” Patience laughs. “I’m getting closer, but being out and about feels good. Duke has made me cut back on my hours at the bakery, so when Chase called to tell us about tonight, I was glad I didn’t have to fight with Duke over it.”

“Like I would have a choice,” Duke mumbles when he finally takes his seat next to her.

“Oh, hush it.” I’m glad to see she still has no issue putting him in his place. “It’s nice to finally have at least some of us back together.” She nods over to Jody as if the former songwriter had something to do with bringing Holt home.

“Are Ryder and Decker ever planning on coming home?” Angie pipes back up just as I fall into my chair beside her and across the fire from the expecting couple.

“Yes, Decker is still overseas,” Holt answers. “And Ryder’s still in Alaska, right, Snowflake?”

“He is.” Patience nods. We may have all gone our own way after high school, but she kept track of all of us. “Decker’s a mechanic on a ship somewhere currently in the Pacific, and Ryder’s a rescue diver at one of the Coast Guard bases in Alaska.”

“I would love to meet them.” Angie’s hand falls on top of mine on my armrest, and warmth floods me that has nothing to do with the fire popping in front of us.

“Angie, you’ve met them in high school. It was hardnotto know who they were.” Patience laughs.
