Page 49 of Regaining Integrity

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“Words every woman loves hearing.” I continue to smile, sinking my fork into another piece. Hopefully forcing myself to eat will bring my appetite back.

Finally, his smile comes back to its rightful place. “You sound like my mom.”

“Something womendon’twant to hear,” I tease. “See? We can have fun.” I watch him take a bite. I’m pretty positive his appetite also vanished with the appearance of several of the women from his past.

“Right again,” he agrees and pauses to take a drink. “We are having fun.”

I look around the room. The last time I was here was during the day. The natural light made the room brighter. It looks like an entirely different place in the evening. The lighting fixtures around the dining area are low and romantic, dim enough to make it feel like you’re on your own little island at your table.

I’m in awe as I continue to take it all in. The moment my eyes lock on something or rather, someone who floats in the dimmed abyss around the restaurant any and all joy I was regaining vanishes.

Because the person standing there not looking for anyone but staring at me, arms crossed under her ample chest, and a smug shit-eating grin spread across her face is none other than my numero-uno enemy.


“Angie?” I don’t answer him. Not when my fork clatters to my plate. My eyes never break from her.

Why does she always have to appear when things look good for me?

“Angie?” Chase repeats. He goes so far as to reach across the table for my hand, now clenching the tablecloth.

There’s nothing I can say to him. Rage and absolute anger fill me to the brim, leaving me ready to burst like a bomb what I wouldn’t give to slam her overly made-up face into a pile of broken glass.

“Angelica?” My full name pulls me from the stupor seeing Cera put in me. I still have no words for him when I turn to Chase. He quickly looks behind him and seesherjust as the bitch saunters over to our table like she owns the fucking place and is entitled to Chase.

“Ex-Excuse me.” Pushing myself out of my seat, I flee to where I’m positive the bathrooms are located. I can’t take this. Her at school is one thing because there are rules there. None exist outside those walls. As far as I know, Chase hasn’t had a run-in with Cera since being back. I don’t know if I’ll be able to handle seeing her talk to him like she did in high school as if she thinks she’ll win something.

I have faith in Chase. He’s shown me he has no interest in getting to know her again.

Once more, I’m hiding away in a bathroom, but I can’t call my lifeline this time. There’s no way I’m sitting on the toilet in this dress. Knowing my luck, part of the back would fall into the water, and then it would look like I pissed all over it.

The back of my head thumps against the door, causing a dull thud to reverberate around the small room. Closing my eyes, I take a few deep breaths. Taking a few stolen moments from my first date with Chase, I try to gather my nerve to go back out there.

You can do this, Angie.

Put your claim on him. Don’t let Cera taint this.

Standing up straight, I adjust my dress and turn to step out, ready to finally shut Cera and her stupid mispronouncing name down. I give my reflection a nod as I move to step back out when I’m stopped.

Cera stands just like she was when I spotted her in the restaurant, blocking my exit.

“Hi, Angie. Funny seeing you here.” Her head tilts with a glare.

My mom, like so many others, always told me if you don’t have something nice to say, then hold your fucking tongue. Grandma would then say holding your tongue was for the weak and saying your piece was a better way for the bitches to leave you alone.

When I don’t reply to her, just continue to glare, Cera gives up and moves to one of the sinks to lean in and look at her already glossed, injected pouty lips.

“It’s so crazy to see Chase here.” Her tone is so damn fake.

Dear God, did she ever grow up?

The true meaning behind her words is she’s surprised to seemewith Chase here.

“I swear, I felt the old spark between us from back in the day come to life. It’s still sizzling under the surface.”

Walk out the door and leave now.

There are tears just readying to be unleashed, but not from sadness. From pure anger.
