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Hands shaking, I hung up on her.

“What did she want?” Noah’s eyes were huge in his face.

I shrugged. “Just to see how we’re going,” I lied.

“Don’t be dumb—I heard her yelling. What did she ask you for?”

“Money.” My voice was flat.

“She and Dad haven’t even called to check on me.” Disgusted, my little brother turned back to his game. “As far as I’m concerned, they can go jump in a lake.”

“Sounds good to me, buddy.” It sure did. A freezing-cold lake filled with fresh-water piranhas would be even better!

“I’m going to go to sleep, okay? Don’t stay up too late. We can go swimming in the morning if you want.”

“Whatever.” Noah made his marshmallow character jump onto a cloud. “The pool here is nice and all, but it’s not the ocean. I miss Maine.”

“I miss it, too.” I tucked myself under the covers, not wanting to think about it.

My phone pinged, and I lunged once again. But it was only a text from Elena, the madam at AccommoDating, Inc.—the escort agency that had matched me with Bryce.

Elena wasnothappy with me at the moment.

Need to see you tomorrow. Come in first thing.

Okay, I wrote back. What couldthatbe about?

I tried to fall asleep. But in the end, I tossed and turned all night, wondering just what the madam wanted with me now.



It was a scorching July morning,already eighty degrees with one-hundred percent humidity in downtown Boston. Kai waited for me outside The Stratum. He looked impossibly cool and collected in his dark suit. “Good morning, Mrs. Windsor.”

Oof.The name hurt every time. Still, I forced a smile at the friendly driver. “Good morning, Kai.”

We drove to the South End neighborhood in comfortable, air-conditioned silence. I didn’t take it for granted. We passed by several pedestrians, red-faced and frizzy-haired, as they trudged down the sidewalk; that had been me only a few weeks ago.

That could be me again very soon.

I fidgeted, nervous about meeting with Elena. She’d been none too pleased when I’d called her from Maine two weeks ago and told her I’d been fired. Luckily, Bryce had already arranged for Noah and me to stay at The Stratum; he’dboughtus a room with an open account for food and drink. Whatever we wanted, he was paying for.

Unfortunately, what I wanted couldn’t be purchased with an Amex Black Card.

I sighed as we pulled up in front of the AccommoDating office. It was a pretty brownstone with giant planters lining the stairs, the flowers bursting with color. The first time I’d visited the office, I’d been sweaty but hopeful—my life had been a mess. Now I was pulled together but hopeless. The only thing I had in common with the old me was that my life was still in shambles.

Kai opened the door and bowed his head. “Have a good meeting, Mrs. Windsor. I can drive you back to the hotel when you’re finished.”

“Thank you, Kai.” I took a deep breath and headed for the office.

Elena opened up before I could ring the buzzer. Despite the hot weather, she managed to look refreshed in a black jumpsuit and full makeup.

“Hey, Elena.” I tried to sound upbeat.

The madam frowned. “Thanks for coming in.”

I followed her inside. “You don’t exactly seem happy about it.”
