Page 30 of The Forever Promise

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“What does that evenmean?”

“It doesn’t matter.” He shook his head. “I need you here. I need you with me. We’ve already agreed, and it’s already done. So are you going to fight me every step of the way?”

I threw up my hands. “You’re the one who keeps pushing me away.”

He didn’t look at me when he said, “You only came back because I made you an offer you couldn’t refuse. I need to remember that.”

“You only asked me back because you need me to save your company. I need to rememberthat.” I was surprised by the bitterness in my voice. Maybe I hadn’t even let myself feel how deeply Bryce had cut me.

“I do need you to save my company. But…”

“But what?”

“Nothing. We’re not getting anywhere with this conversation.” Bryce bent down and picked up a rock. “Let me show you how to skim this. This beach has the best stones. I don’t get out here enough.”

I bent down and grabbed a rock. I didn’t care about stupid skimming, but it was better than just standing there being pissed.

I threw it at the water, and it landed with a splash.

“What are you, pitching?”

“I told you I didn’t know how to do it.” I grabbed another rock, larger this time, and hurled it at the waves. It landed with a satisfyingthunkand a big splash.

“You’re mad,” Bryce observed.

I might throw him in the ocean next.

“I’m not mad.” I watched as he picked up a flat, thin stone and angled it between his fingers, holding it like a frisbee. He flicked it at the water, and it hit, bouncing nine times until it sank below the surface.

He was good at everything, it was true. It was also very fucking annoying.

When I picked up a huge rock, Bryce stopped me. “Put the boulder down and come here.Please.”

I considered dropping it on his foot, but I decided to act like an adult. I put it down and went to him, and he handed me a thin stone. “Put it in your hand like this.” He inserted it between my pointer finger and my thumb, then angled my hand so the front of it was facing the water. “Then you move it like this.” He slowly moved my hand in a flicking motion, aiming toward the ocean. “Then you just release it. You ever play frisbee?”


He arched an eyebrow. “Seriously?”

“I’m a city kid, remember? We swam in the public pool and played chicken on the T tracks for fun. There wasn’t a lot of frisbees or rock skimming. Or off-roading, or tennis, or riding around in a yacht.”

Bryce nodded. “Lucky for you, you’re young. There’s plenty of time for all that. And I happen to know a guy with a yacht.”

I didn’t want to hear the promise behind his words. There was no future for me here, with him; there was only now. “Just show me how to throw the stupid rock.”

Bryce wisely shut his mouth and showed me the flicking motion again. Then I stomped away, down toward the water, and took aim. I flicked my wrist and released the rock. It bounced four times.

“Nice.” He sounded impressed.

“It’s not nine bounces, but it’s a start.” I started searching for another good rock.

“Four’s pretty good.”

“Stop being nice to me. Just be yourself.”

Bryce laughed, and I found a good stone.

It was going to take some time, but I was determined. For once, I was going to beat my husband at his own game.
