Page 63 of The Forever Promise

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“Olivia Jensen sent me a note—she said sex it up.” Midge’s brow furrowed as she adjusted the straps of the dress, ensuring that my chest was on perfect display. “There you go.”

“Thanks.” But I was worried about why Olivia wanted me to look so sexy. “Any idea who’s on the guest list?”

“No, hon.” Midge winked at me. “But Idoknow that nobody’s going to look better than you. So try and have some fun, okay?”

“Okay. I will.”

With one final smoothing of my hair, she sent me out the door. My phone buzzed—it was that 207-number again.Fuck!“Lydia?” I didn’t wait for her to answer. “I can’t talk to you right now. I know what you want. I promise I’ll take care of you. But I have to go, all right? I’m late.”

“Don’t you dare hang up on me!”

I stopped and leaned up against the wall for support. “What do you want from me, huh?”

“I already told you. You didn’t listen.” Lydia coughed—a phlegmy, congested sound. “I want more money, and I want ittonight.If I don’t get it, you’re going to be one sorry little bitch. Do you hear me? We’re stayin’ at a motel near the dock. Find a way to get over here, or you’ll be sorry. Call me at this number—our phones got cut off, thanks to you.”

I wasn’t sure how I was responsible for their phones being shut off. Ialsowasn’t sure how they’d made the five-hour trip up to MDI; Lydia’s vehicle was an old, rusted-out truck that leaked. “I don’t think I can get over there until tomorrow, Lydia. I have to take a boat, and we’re going to dinner tonight. I can’t get out of it.”

“Poor you, huh?” She exhaled deeply, and I pictured a cloud of smoke.

“I’m not complaining—I’m just saying I don’t think I can come over there tonight. I have to get someone to take me over on the boat. I can’t just drive over to you, okay? I’m not trying to be difficult.”

“You don’t have to try.” Her voice was nasty.

“Can I talk to Dad?” I asked, my voice small. “Please?”

“Whatever.” She sighed. “She wants to talk to you.”

I heard my father mutter a curse, then he got on the line. “Hello, Chloe.”

“Hey Dad.” I wished, not for the first time, that we had a better relationship. “I know Lydia’s mad—”

“I can’t believe you’d put pictures of your brother on the internet like that.” He actually soundedupset.

“I didn’t. The photographers are taking pictures all the time without us even knowing about it! Then they’re selling them. I would never do that to Noah—you know that.”

“I don’t know anything.” He sounded a little baffled. “I don’t know how you got mixed up with these people, and I don’t know how you got your brother dragged into it.”

“Dad.You’re the one that took the money. You said you were fine with it—”

“I didn’t know what was going to happen,” he interrupted. “I feel misled. Like I agreed to something where I didn’t understand… What was that again, Lydia? What didn’t I understand?”

“Thematerial terms,” she hiss-whispered. “That’s what the lawyer said!”

“I have to go, Dad. I’ll get a ride over tomorrow and give you some more money.” My voice was flat. I felt dead inside. Lydia and my dad were consulting with lawyers, trying to fight me for Noah. Or more likely, trying to fight me for more money to let me keep Noah. “Bye, Dad.”


Hands shaking, I hung up.It’s only money, I told myself. It didn’t mean anything.

But of course, that wasn’t the reason I found myself blinking back tears once again.


belief system

Bryce didn’t saymuch on the boat ride to Spruce Island, where the Nguyen’s had a gorgeous estate. He kept firing off emails, scowling at his phone. Daphne filled the silence with her endless chatter, talking about the jumpsuit she was wearing, wondering whether she could ever wear it again or if she’d be too pregnant and have to donate it. Jake and Colby were meeting us at the party. The paparazzi, both authorized and unauthorized, followed us by boat, but we’d hidden below deck. Olivia Jensen might be mad about that, but an evening chill had settled in, making it too cool to ride outside.

Besides, Bryce didn’t seem to want to manhandle me for the cameras tonight. He didn’t even seem to register that I was sitting beside him.
