Page 79 of The Forever Promise

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“I still don’t agree with how you approached all this. I’m embarrassed that I went along with it,” Bryce admitted.

“You did what you needed to. You did it to protect your family.” She tilted her head. “Can we agree to collaborate a little while longer? Your board really wants this to work out. You were right—several members were ready to have heart attacks over how the family was being covered in the press. They’re ready for a change. It’s only been a few days, but we’ve been hitting it hard. It’s time to right the ship and let the drama go. Are you willing to give me one more chance? I promise I won’t let you down.”

Bryce turned to me. “Only if my wife wants to.”

I hesitated. “I’d really like the coverage to be more positive. No more love triangle, fighting-in-the-bathroom type stories.”

“We’re done with the drama.” Olivia stuck out her hand. “I’m answering to you guys now. It’s a deal.”

Holding my breath, I shook it. And so did Bryce.

* * *

Later, after Daphne and I had spent tens of thousands of dollars on dresses at Aqua in an attempt to keep the owner happy and, more importantly, on our side—we headed back to the island. Bryce insisted on riding with Daphne and me. He, of course, brought several security guards. Olivia rode in the other boat with Captain Johnny, and three skiffs filled with paparazzi followed us back.

It was the new normal—a typical day at the office.

Bryce kept his arm around me, and he wasn’t just doing it for the cameras, I could tell. Our connection was back. Whether it was our encounter in the dressing room or the news that our drama-filled internet romp was coming to an end, I wasn’t sure. But I was thrilled about it and very relieved. I leaned back against him, sighing happily as he wrapped his arms around me and held me close.

Daphne looked over at us from the boat’s helm. “You two need to get a room. Oh wait—you already did! A dressing room!” she joked, cracking herself up.

“Very funny.” Bryce glared at her.

She shrugged, still grinning. “I know.”

I hadn’t been able to tell her what Olivia had shared regarding Gene’s impending indictment. I was told it wasn’t my place. Olivia explained that Legal would sit down with her and Gene that afternoon to review the next steps. Olivia wanted Daphne to hear it from her husband and legal, not from us. I supposed that was fair, but I still hoped she would be okay.

When we got back to the island, Daphne and I parted ways. We made plans to go for a walk later. I wasn’t sure if we’d technically become friends, but it felt like maybe we were moving in that direction. Funny, I hadn’t expectedthat. But Daphne wasn’t all bad. There was plenty of bad there, but she was sort of fun—in a dark-haired, scheming, pregnant-with-Michael-Jones’ baby kind of way.

Bryce and I drove the golf cart back to the house. Once we got inside, I hesitated. “You have meetings all afternoon, right?”

“Yes. It’s going to be a long day.” He took my hands. “I’m glad I got so upset that I followed you to Northeast. At least I got to squeeze some…time…in with you.”

I arched an eyebrow. “You squeezed in more than that!”

He chuckled. “I know, that’s why I was making a joke.”

“Is that what that was?” I teased him. “I’m never sure.”

“Ha ha. Anyway.” He bent down and kissed my cheek. “I probably won’t be able to see you until much later. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.” I twisted the cuff of my sweatshirt. I needed to tell him the truth about my dad and Lydia. I’d been so upset that he’d kept a secret from me about meeting Felicia Jones at the Nguyen’s party—I would be a total hypocrite if I kept this fromhim.

“Actually, I was wondering ifIcould have a meeting with you really quick. I need to tell you something.”

He immediately looked concerned. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing bad—I mean, it’sbad, but everything’s okay. At least, I hope it is.”

We went inside his office and sat down. Once again, being across the desk from him made my mind wander. There was that scenario where I was a naughty schoolgirl, and he was a glowering, dominant principal about to deliver my punishment…Stop it, Chlo!Jesus, what had Bryce done to me in that dressing room? I needed to go take a cold shower or something.

The thing was, what I was about to tell him wassonot sexy. My mind was just stalling, spending its time on more pleasant things. I thought of Lydia and her enormous lion-leg tattoo.Ugh.No wonder I didn’t want to think about it!

I took a deep breath. “I went to Northeast this morning because I needed to… I met with my father and stepmother.” I talked fast, the words tumbling out on top of each other. “Lydia’s been texting me for a while—I didn’t tell you. I wanted to, but I didn’t. She’s a problem. They already blew through all the money you paid them, and they wanted more.”

“They already spent a million dollars?” Bryce’s eyes were wide.

“They were gambling at Foxwoods—that’s a casino,” I babbled. “The thing is, after they lost it, I sent them more money. But Lydia said it wasn’t enough. She was really mad, texting me all sorts of threats.”
