Page 90 of The Forever Promise

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I ignored him. I ignored the fact that I said I was going to the bathroom. I ignored the fact that there was a buzzing in my head, a pit in my stomach.

I made a beeline for Felicia Jones.

I staggered up to her little group and joined them. I noticed I was still swaying on my feet even when I stopped walking.Uh oh.I was sloppy, a mess.

It was probably for the best.

As usual, Felicia ignored me. She was talking about something to her friends, probably her apartment in Paris and her aversion to carbohydrates. I stood there, swaying and blinking until it became obviously uncomfortable. Finn Ryder nudged her.

“What, babe?”

He pointed in my direction, and she rolled her eyes. “Ugh, what the hell do you want now?”

“Can I talk to you?”

“Aboutwhat?” Her lip curled in a sneer. “I don’t know what your problem still is—seriously. Everybody else has moved on. You need to get a life!”

It would have been better, I thought, if I had just hit her in the bathroom at Kelli and Kenji Nguyen’s house. She had deserved it at that moment. Now she was still being a total bitch, but she had a point. It was over between her and Bryce. It was yesterday’s news. Coming up to her now was like my vulgar dress—it was too much. Still, I needed to follow my orders.

I conjured up my past hurt and worked from that.

“You shouldn’t have sent my husband pictures of you in a bikini,” I slurred. “Only trolls do that.”

“Can you hear yourself?” Felicia asked. “You’redrunk. And what’s with that dress? You look like a waitress at a freaking gentleman’s club—and not the upscale kind, more like the cheap handjob kind.”

“You would know.”

“You would know,” she mimicked me. “Seriously? You sound like a fourth-grader!”

“Youlooklike a fourth-grader.” I probably should have worked on my lines.

“Getawayfrom me. You’re a fucking idiot. I’m glad Bryce ended up with you—that’s exactly what he deserves.”

“Don’t you talk about my husband like that!” I raised my voice. Now people were looking at us, which was what I wanted, even though, in reality, it was the last thing I wanted.

“Okay, Miss, you need to go now.” Finn Ryder had a British accent.

“I’m not going anywhere. Not until this bitch apologizes to me for talking to my husband behind my back. And for being a snob.”

“You want me to apologize for talking to my ex—talking—and for being a snob.” Felicia’s eyeballs looked like they were about to pop out of her head. “Seriously? Go home, Decoy. You’re drunk.”

“What did you just say to me?” But it didn’t matter. I wasn’t capable of saying anything witty enough to provoke her further. I was just going to have to get it over with and fuck the bitch up!

I launched myself at Felicia, pulling hair, yanking her stupid dress, and wrestling her. She was in better shape than me, but I was pissed.

I heard Finn Ryder curse in his stupid British accent as I wrangled Felicia to the ground and jumped on top of her.ThenI heard a litany of curse words, strung together with phrases like:only trolls text married men!andhow does it feel like to be beaten up by a decoy, you smug fucker?

It wasn’t as good as I’d imagined it. But it wasn’t that bad, either.


don’t say a word

“What the hell,Chloe. What. The. Hell.” Bryce paced our room.

“Can you please stop yelling at me? My head hurts. Ow.” I pulled the pillow over my face.

“I’m not yelling at you.” Bryce lowered his voice. “I’m just trying to understand why you went after Felicia. The MDI police just called—they might bring you up on assault charges, Chloe.”
