Page 35 of The Forever Vow

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“Your dad didn’t grow up with much?” I asked.

He shrugged. “His family had money, just not the kind of money he has now. I think he always had a chip on his shoulder, but I don’t know why. He’s never been one to talk about his childhood or his feelings. Although I think he could do that with my mom. I told you, he’s never been the same since she died.”

“That’s too bad.” But it was hard to muster up much sympathy for the man who was blackmailing me.

“There’s nothing I can do about it. I need to focus on the present and our company. The truth is, I have—wehave—everything we need for our family and our family’s future. The time to move forward with Windsor Enterprises is now. And I want to do it. I don’t know what my father will do when he hears about this. He’ll view it as a coup.”

My heart sank. “You’re right. Is someone telling him what’s going on?” Knowing Gene Windsor, he had spies on the board who were actively reporting to him.

“Board members are in touch with him, yes. And I’m sure that he has eyes and ears watching me.”

Ugh.I was Gene’s eyes and ears, too. At least he hadn’t asked me anything about my husband.Yet.

“But people are scared right now,” Bryce continued. “They don’t know if he’s ever going to come back and be in charge. It’s a tricky time for allegiances, you know what I mean?”

I watched the darkening sky and held onto my husband for dear life. “I sure do, Bryce. I sure do.”

“We just need to keep our heads down,” he said. “You stay close. I’ll keep trying to be the voice of reason with the board. It’ll all work out.”

“I hope so.” But I felt sick as I imagined Gene Windsor hearing about the change in circumstances. What would he do if he knew the board was considering taking such an extreme action? I shivered and shoved the question away—I didn’t want to know the answer. But deep down, I knew that he would be furious, and a furious Gene Windsor was a scary thought.

Bryce had the driver drop me off at the townhouse in Beacon Hill. He kissed me goodbye as one of his employees brought our bags in. “The local staff already opened the house up and stocked everything,” he told me. “I’ve dismissed everyone except for security. You should have plenty of privacy, but I’ll know you’re safe.”

He kissed the top of my head. “Feel free to go to bed, but I might wake you up when I get home.”

I grinned up at him. “Sounds good, Mr. Windsor.”

“I love you, Mrs. Windsor. I’ll see you later.” With another kiss, my handsome husband ducked back inside the SUV. I watched as it pulled down the street, feeling bereft.

What would happen if the board voted him in as full-term CEO?

Bryce would be happy about it. More importantly, he would begoodat it. I didn’t know much about the company, but I knewthat. He was a strong man who would make decent choices. He would steer Windsor Enterprises into new territory and would use his position and power in a way that his father never had.

He was born for the role.

But would his own father stand in the way of his destiny?

I had every reason to fear that he would.




Then I turnedto face his spectacular Boston home and felt overwhelmed. It was a white townhouse stretching four-stories high. Trees peeped over the top—there must be some magnificent roof deck up there. A marble staircase led to the entrance, a massive, ornate door surrounded by an intricate black-metal design. As I climbed the stairs, I felt like Dorothy landing in Oz, completely out of my freaking element.

I’d grown up in Boston, but this wasnotthe Boston that I knew.

“Mrs. Windsor.” The employee who’d brought my luggage in held the door open for me. “There are several of us on duty, but we’ll stay out of your way. Please just use one of the intercoms in the house if you need us.” He disappeared down a hall, leaving me alone in the entryway, which opened directly to the living room.

It was a good thing he left—I didn’t have to be self-conscious about gaping.

The home was immaculate, with white walls, gleaming hardwood floors, and clean New England style. A fire roared in the fireplace. The white couches and modern lighting contrasted with the classic feel of the house, giving it a balanced, fresh feeling. I picked my way through the gorgeous room, careful not to knock into anything, and looked out the wall of rear-facing windows. The Charles River was in plain view, the after-work crowd running and biking along it.

People were out there, living their lives like any other day. But I felt like my world was falling apart. There was no one I could trust anymore, not even myself. I could trust Bryce, of course, but he didn’t know what I was going through. And really, it wasn’t safe for me to be close to him. Both Gene Windsor and Mimi Jones were after me. What was I supposed to do?

My phone buzzed with a text from Olivia Jensen.Please send pics of you in the Boston house. People will love a sneak peek inside. Get dressed up and put on makeup!
