Page 4 of The Forever Vow

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Jim Wright didn’t look impressed. “Attorney Zhang, I’ve heard such wonderful things about you. I’m surprised that you’re opening with an empty threat. You counseled your client when she signed this, didn’t you?”

Akira blinked at him. “Itriedto counsel her—”

“Chloe is contractually forbidden from going public, even in a lawsuit, with the terms of this agreement.” He sounded dead sure of himself. “I’m sure she doesn’t want to lose guardianship rights to her brother. They’re not exactly airtight, are they?”

Akira’s gaze flicked to me. Bryce had paid off my father, bribing him to waive his parental rights to Noah. It wasn’t exactly a legitimate agreement: I could easily lose Noah for good. He’d be sent back to my father and Lydia, returned to a life where he was taken for granted and mistreated. I couldn’t let that happen, not ever.

“Akira…” My eyes filled with tears.

She sighed—she knew what I was thinking. She didn’t need to hear more. “Go on,” Akira told him.

“My client demands specific performance of the contract within forty-eight hours—just like my letter said.” Jim Wright straightened his shoulders. “He’s ready to send a car now. Chloe, what’s your location?”

“I’m not telling you that.” My mouth went dry. “I don’t want to lose my brother, but I can’t go back.”

Jim watched me. “Can you tell me why?”

“No, I can’t.”

He tilted his chin. “Who are you protecting, Chloe?”

“N-No one.” I could lose everything if I said one word about what Gene Windsor had threatened. I was backed up against a wall. There was no way out.

“Did my client harm you in any way?” He watched me carefully. “Physically or emotionally? Because if he did, this would turn into a different sort of conversation quickly. I’m not here to force you into anything harmful, Chloe.”

“He didn’t hurt me. Bryce would never do that.” I raised my chin. It would be easy to lie, to claim that he’d harmed me in some way. Then I’d be free from the contract. Neither Jim Wright nor Akira would return me to a dangerous situation. Still, I wouldn’t do that to Bryce. He’d never hurt me, and I wouldn’t accuse him—not even to keep custody of my brother.

“If that’s the case, I’m going to need you to say more.” Jim Wright was firm. “I need to understand your position.”

“Well, actually…” I swallowed hard. “If I’m protecting anyone, it’s Bryce. I got drunk at that wedding and attacked his ex-girlfriend. I embarrassed myself, and I embarrassed him. He’s taking over as CEO of Windsor Enterprises—he can’t exactly have me blowing his life up.”

“My client said that behavior was very out of character for you.”

“Does it matter?” I asked. “You’ve seen the headlines, haven’t you?Chloe Shows Her True Colors.It’s the truth. I don’t belong in his world. He’s a billionaire, and I’m nothing. It was too much for me—I blew it.”

“I understand that you feel that way.” Jim nodded. “But my client doesn’t share that view. He believes it would be more detrimental for you two to split up than for you to continue.”

An uncomfortable silence settled over the call.

“What are our options?” Akira asked.

“It’s simple. Give me Chloe’s address, and we’ll send a car.”

I shook my head. “I can’t do that.” Gene Windsor would have my head—or worse, Noah’s.

“Fine. Jim nodded. “Then we’ll set up an immediate hearing with a private arbiter. Chloe will be responsible for paying for half of the arbitration expenses, which will be costly. And we’ll begin emergency proceedings in Massachusetts Family Court to have Noah returned to his actual legal guardian—his father.”

My stomach plummeted. “No! You can’t do that.”

“I’m merely representing my client’s best interests,” Jim said smoothly.

Akira glared at him. “You pretend to be a nice guy, Jim. But you’re an asshole.”

“That might be true, but it’s not going to get you out of this contract.” He frowned. “I’m just doing my job, and you know it. So why don’t you do yours? Speak with your client and give me an answer. I’ll be on hold.”

“Can they do that?” I asked as soon as his screen went blank. “Can they take Noah away from me?”

Akira sighed. “The agreement with your father won’t stand up in court. Legally he’s still Noah’s guardian. I’ve started the process to change that, but it’s a long one. And we don’t have the kind of power that the Windsors have—they can do in days what could take us years. So right now, your guardianshipisvulnerable. I’m surprised Bryce would threaten to do that, but he’s playing hardball.”
