Page 43 of The Forever Vow

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The board is voting on Bryce’s appointment Monday morning. He’s not sure how he feels about it,I wrote. I should stick as close to the truth as possible—Gene would be able to find out about the board’s actions, anyway.

Bryce is doing the best he can. He cares so much about the company—he wants it to be successful.That was also the truth, but it probably wasn’t what Gene was looking for.

What else could I tell him? How could I keep him at bay?

Mimi Jones has been sniffing around,I wrote.She reached out to my stepmother, but I took care of it.

There. At least that was something. Maybe it would occupy Gene’s time, at least for a little while. I uploaded the form and cleared out the link.

As soon as I’d sent it, my phone pinged. It was a text message from a random five-digit number, which sent me to a link.Click here for an encrypted message. This link will delete in five minutes.

Hands shaking, I clicked the button.

You aren’t cooperating with me and you know it.

You’ve told me nothing.

I already know about the board’s plans, and I can more than handle the insufferable Mimi Jones.

If you don’t provide more information about your husband, you are going to pay.

I know about you, Chloe. I know who you are and where you came from. Your father and his disgusting wife are on my payroll. They have no loyalty to you. They don’t care if you live or if you die. They don’t care about your brother.

I’m on the sidelines, but I’m still calling the plays.

I am in charge. I am in control.

Remember, I have eyes everywhere.

I also have people who will do what I say no matter what. I have the means to execute my plans, even from here.

Talk to Bryce tonight and send me more information.

Otherwise, you are going to be a very sorry young lady.

I ran to the bathroom and threw up.

As I sat on the floor, arms wrapped around myself, I glimpsed the pregnancy test on the counter. I got up, unsteady on my feet, and grabbed it.

There were two pink lines.Pregnant.

I should fill out the form again. I could just picture it.Dear Gene, I almost forgot to tell you: your son’s having a baby with his escort wife. The heir to Windsor Enterprises has a whore for a mother. What do you think about that?

If I hadn’t been scared sick, I would’ve laughed.

Instead, I promptly threw up again.




Hazel,I wrote,I know I’m not your favorite, but I need a favor. It’s an emergency.

I took a deep breath before I continued.

Please look out for my brother until I come home. You’re close to the staff, no one knows more than you do about the comings and goings at the estate. Don’t let anyone near Noah. Please talk to Dale about this! I’m calling him next.
