Page 50 of The Forever Vow

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“Second, I amthrilledthat we’re doing this,” Regina continued. “I’m so glad you’re showing your true leadership skills. Your father has been a toxic influence on the company for a long time. He’s stifled our innovation and limited our philanthropic partnerships. And like you said, he’s difficult and vindictive. He’s made it hard to vote against him.”

Regina smiled at the other board members. “I’d like to bring Bryce Windsor’s appointment to full-term CEO to a vote. All of those in favor say aye.”

The vote was unanimous. Bryce was no longer an interim: he was the real deal.

He stood, accepting warm congratulations all around. “We are not making this announcement public until Monday afternoon. I have some personal business I need to attend to before we do that. Is everyone clear?”

Again, the response was unanimous.

“I think they liked that pay raise,” I whispered to Bryce as we rode the elevator down.

He winked at me. “You inspired me, Chloe.”

“I did?”

“The way you convinced Daphne so quickly got me thinking: people need to be motivated to make a change. It helped me see my situation with the board differently.” Bryce smiled. “Guess I’m not the only CEO in the family.”

Warmth bloomed inside my chest. “Huh. I guess not.”

“You still have some things you need to tell me, though.”

I sighed. “Yeah, I do. Can I ask you a question first?”

He gave me the lopsided grin that I loved. “Sure.”

“How much money do you really have?”

Bryce laughed. “A lot. I have a lot.”

“Good” Relief flooded me. “Because I think there are even more people we need to pay off.”




Before we goton the plane, Bryce called Dale again. “We’ll be there in an hour. Don’t let anyone in or out.”

He turned to me. “I’m calling Hazel.”

He put the maid on speakerphone. “Are you with Noah?”

“Yes, Mr. Windsor.” There were loud noises in the background, some kind of music mixed with the dog barking. “We’re keeping ourselves entertained.”

“What are you doing? And are you safe?”

“We’re quite safe, I can assure you,” Hazel said. “All of the staff, Chef included, are watching young Mr. Burke’s room. Midge and the other girls are camped outside. And we are inside, teaching the dog to roll over and playing some sort of game.”

The sound became muffled for a moment. “Noah—what’s this called again? Ah, yes. We’re playingFortnite.Unfortunately, I’m quite awful at it.”

“You’re not that bad, Hazel!” Noah piped up. “I mean, you’ve died, like, seven thousand times, but at least you’re not giving up. You know who’s really awful at video games? Bryce. He sucks!”

“All right, all right,” Bryce said, but he was laughing. “Stay with him, Hazel. There’s no one I trust more than you.”

“Mr. Windsor… Thank you.” She sounded genuinely touched.

“If anyone needs a raise, it’s probably Hazel,” I said when he hung up.
