Page 53 of The Forever Vow

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“We can, Mrs. Windsor. We absolutely can.” He grinned at me. “But we have some serious ass to kick first. Are you with me?”

I laced my fingers through his. I was still afraid—afraid for my brother, afraid for Bryce and his position with the company, fearful of all of it—but for the first time in a long time, I felt lighter.

For better or for worse, I’d told my secrets. What was it my mother used to say?Sunlight is the best disinfectant.I felt better—cleaner—for telling him the truth.

“I’m with you. There’s no place I’d rather be.”

Now I just had to pray for more time.




Captain Johnny seemedconcerned on the boat ride to the island. “Dale said there was a security threat—is everything okay?”

“It is. It will be.” Bryce hesitated for a moment. “We’ve had some issues in the family, Johnny. You’ve been with us for a long time, so I’m sure you’re not surprised by that.”

The captain nodded as he carefully steered through the buoys in Northeast Harbor.

“I know your father was upset before he was taken into custody. It was an open secret among the staff, Sir. He’d been complaining about you boys. If you asked me, he seemed paranoid that he would lose his significance within the company.” He shrugged. “Just my two cents.”

“You’re absolutely right.” Bryce nodded. “That’s exactly what he was worried about, and he’s taken some steps to protect himself that I don’t think are very…respectable. I need to ask you something. I want you to know that I won’t hold it against you—I know how my father can be.”

Captain Johnny’s grip tightened on the steering wheel. “Go ahead, Mr. Windsor. I don’t have anything to hide.”

“Did my father ever approach you? Before he went to prison, I mean. I believe he was trying to get some of the employees to spy on Chloe and me.”

The captain nodded. “He made the rounds, Mr. Windsor. But as far as I know, no one ever accepted his offers. We were all very cordial to him, of course. Your father could be difficult, you know that. He wasn’t an easy man to say no to, but I think he also knew that everyone here loved the family. We’re loyal to theWindsors, you know? Not just him. He didn’t ever make a scene about it, as far as I know.”

“So, to your knowledge, no one on the staff was spying for him?”

“I did hear one thing.” The older man’s face clouded.


He sighed. “I didn’t believe it, though. She’s not popular with a lot of the staff because she’s so set in her ways and so particular. I thought they were just gossiping—”

“About who?” My voice was shrill. “Who are you talking about?”

Captain Johnny glanced back at me. “Hazel, Mrs. Windsor. There was a rumor that she was spying for the other Mr. Windsor.”

I felt like I might pass out.

“I’m going to need you to go as fast as you can,” Bryce instructed. “We need to get to the island immediately. It’s an emergency.”

“Yes, Sir.”

The engine roared, and the yacht picked up speed, but to me, time had stopped.Hazel was working for Gene Windsor. Hazel was alone with my brother in his room…

“It can’t be true,” Bryce murmured. “I don’t believe it..”

It seemed to take forever, but we reached the dock. Bryce and I jumped from the boat and ran up to the house. “I want you to stay downstairs,” he panted, but I shoved him out of the way.

“It’s my brother!” Tears were already streaming down my face. “I need to save him!”

“Mr. and Mrs. Windsor, what’s the matter?” Chef practically jumped out of the way as we flew through the house and took the stairs two by two. Midge and several other maids were camped out in the hallway, playing cards.
