Page 56 of The Forever Vow

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But now their houses of sticks and straw were about to be blown down by none other than moi.

Jake showed up first. “What’s up? I was just on the phone with Dubai.”

“We need to talk.”

He eyed Chloe. “Hi Chloe. Are you joining us?”

“You’re joiningus,” I corrected him. “We’re waiting for Colby. And Tate.”

Jake raised his eyebrows at the mention of Colby’s girlfriend but said nothing. Colby and Tate hustled in a minute later, both in their sweats. “We were working out,” Colby said. “What’s so urgent?”

“I’ll tell you in there.” Bryce motioned to the conference room. “Heads up, Dale’s in there with the security team. We’re having a meeting with them.”

“Why?” Colby asked. He turned to Tate and Chloe. “Why don’t you guys go wait in the kitchen?”

“They’re coming in with us. Tate, I’m going to need you to sign something.” Bryce got on his phone. “Jim? It’s me. I’m going to need you to send over a non-disclosure agreement immediately. She can fill out the personal details, and you can make it all pretty and official. Thanks.”

“Why is Tate signing an NDA?” Colby looked wary.

“Because of what we’re about to discuss.” His phone pinged, and he handed it to Tate. “Please fill out your name and legal address, and sign it where the tab is.”

“Permanent address?” Tate looked concerned. “I don’t really have one.”

“You can use mine, babe.” Colby recited his address.

That seemed to perk her up. “Thanks, babe.”

Jake and Bryce looked at each other, then looked away.

After she’d signed, Bryce knocked on the conference door, and we headed in. The meeting seemed tense. Dale stood at the front of the room while Ted, the lead security guard, paced the back.

Ted’s cheeks were flushed. “Mr. Windsor, finally! My men have been in here for hours! We haven’t been on patrol, their phones have been confiscated—”

“Have a seat, Ted. We need to have a frank discussion, and I’m the one who’ll be doing the talking.”

“Yes, Sir.” Ted sat down immediately.

“I need you all to know that as of tonight, my father is no longer the one in charge. I’m taking over as head of Windsor Enterprises. The board voted on it earlier this evening. My appointment’s effective immediately.”

“What?” Colby’s eyes almost popped out of his head.

“Does Dad know?” Jake looked stunned.

“Congratulations,” Dale said. “I expect a raise!” He laughed until Bryce glared at him, and then it turned into a cough.

Bryce faced the rest of the group. “I understand that Mrs. Windsor—theotherMrs. Windsor—was in touch with some of you tonight, looking for information about Noah. I need you to understand that Noah is part of our family, and you have to protect him. He’s a Windsor, now.”

Bryce looked at each man in turn. “I need your absolute loyalty moving forward. I understand that my father has made several offers in order to secure information and possibly, other actions.”

Bryce let that sink in for a moment. “I’m aware of this, and I’d like to say I understand. My father can be persuasive. But any of those preexisting relationships? They end now. I’m canceling your previous contracts and offering new ones. I’m doubling your salaries, and I’m offering generous signing bonuses—more than whatever my father was offering any of you. Does anyone have any objections?”

There were no objections, only smiles, and relief. I wasn’t the only one who hated being Gene Windsor’s bitch!

“My legal team will prepare the documents—so for now, you can get back to work. I need everyone to be on high alert, though. My father is being frozen out, and he’s going to react. As of right now, he’s unaware of the changes taking place. But I don’t know how long that will last. So everyone, please be safe, and keep my family safe. That will be all.”

The team filed out, and Bryce turned to the rest of us. “Now it’s time for real family talk. Who’s excited?”

Jake scratched behind his ear. Colby bounced on the balls of his feet.
