Page 60 of The Forever Vow

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“You look perfect, as usual.” She clipped a small microphone to my dress. “We’re going to go ahead and get started. You know the drill—just follow me.” She brought me to a high, long table that faced several screens. I remembered the set-up: there was the New York studio, the two attractive hosts facing the cameras. Behind them was a large window that showed the live-NYC audience smiling and waving from the sidewalk.

“Let’s go, everyone!” The assistant checked her clipboard and hustled next to the cameraman. Olivia Jensen waved and smiled at me, my redheaded cheerleader.

The lights dimmed as they counted down. “Five, four, three, two…”

“Our next guest is a surprise. So…surprise!” One of the pretty hosts said. “She’s someone we’ve had on the show recently, and welovedtalking to her. Hoo boy, this is going to be good. Joining us again is Chloe Windsor, wife of billionaire Bryce Windsor! Can you believe it?”

The second host turned to her. “I am so thrilled that Chloe wanted to talk with us again! I loved having her on a few weeks ago. So much has happened, hasn’t it? The Windsor family’s been in the news alot. First of all, Gene Windsor, CEO of Windsor Enterprises, was arrested and formally charged.” They showed an image of Gene being taken away in handcuffs and wearing his Gucci loafers, of course.

I braced myself, knowing what was coming next.

Host Number One arched her expertly groomed eyebrows. “And it’s not the only scandal that’s rocked the family lately. Our next guestalsogot into a smackdown with the American heiress Felicia Jones at a high-society wedding. We’ve obtained an exclusive video—watch this.” They showed a video of me wearing that provocative red jumpsuit, jumping on Felicia and pummeling her.

Ugh, I hadn’t known someone got it on film…

I saw Olivia’s shoulders slump. She hadn’t known, either.

The shot returned to the hosts; they both looked like their eyeballs might pop out. “That’s something,” Host Number Two said.

The first host nodded in agreement. “I can’t picture sweet Chloe doing something like that—so let’s bring her on and ask her. Please give our next guest, Chloe Windsor, a warm welcome!”

I longed for the floor to open up and swallow me whole, but alas, I just stood there until my image appeared on the screen. Thank God for Midge and her makeup brush because I looked a hell of a lot better than I felt.

“Hey there, Chloe!” The hosts smiled at me. “That was some introduction, huh?”

“Yeah. It was really something.” My palms started to sweat.

“Can we start off by talking about the wedding?” The first host asked gently. “What happened with Felicia Jones? I know there were rumors your husband was cheating on you with her—”

“And those rumors were totally false,” a male voice boomed. Bryce strode into the media room, past the stunned production assistant and an openly gaping Olivia Jensen, and joined me at the table.

“Hi, Chloe.” He kissed my cheek, then turned to face the cameras.

“Can you two hear me?”

The hosts blinked at him. “Yes, Mr. Windsor—Bryce—we can hear you through Chloe’s microphone.”

“Perfect.” Bryce gave them a wide smile. He looked achingly handsome—with his hair pushed back from his face, a light beard, and his striking navy suit. “I thought I should join you this morning to address some of these concerns. I never do interviews like this, but you two were nice to my wife before--I thought I would return the favor.”

The hosts looked as if they might start fanning themselves. Not only was Bryce super hot, but their ratings were going to be on fire! “Please, tell useverything. How’re you holding up since your father was arrested?”

“I’ll get to that in a moment.” He put his arm protectively around me. “First things first. My wife was encouraged to get into a fight with Felicia Jones by my father. He’s the one who was behind that; Chloe would never act that way. Although in my opinion, Felicia certainly deserved it.”

The hosts almost fell out of their respective chairs. “What do you mean? Why did she deserve it? What does your father have to do with it?”

“Felicia and I dated about a million years ago. She cheated on me and broke off our engagement. It took me a long time to get over it, but I did—and I’m so happy.” He squeezed me tight. “But Felicia didn’t like it when I finally moved on, so she was texting me and being very inappropriate. If you ask me, any woman who tries to steal someone else’s husband certainly deserves a bitch slap—if not more. Am I right?”

The hosts were practically fist-pumping. “Yes!”

“You tell it, Bryce!”

“But it was my father that orchestrated that fight. He was blackmailing Chloe. He’s never approved of her because she’s from a different background. He forced her to do that so she looked bad in the press—he wanted us to separate.”

The hosts nodded, eating up every one of my handsome husband’s words.

“And that’s why we’re here. Chloe is so brave. She offered to do this interview by herself and take all the scrutiny. She’s so selfless, she wanted to protect me and my position with the company. But she shouldn’t have to face this alone. I’m proud of my wife and the life we’re building together.” Bryce smiled at the cameras. “And that’s why I’m here.”

He turned to me. “Are you ready to tell them the truth, babe?”
