Page 3 of You Are Enough

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“Those words spoken by a blushing bride on her wedding day,” added Jessica. “But it’s true. I hope you find someone perfect for you and Skylar also.”

Leila smiled and gave Elizabeth and Jessica hugs. “Anyway, I gotta go. I’ll see y’all at the wedding.”

Chapter 2

If someone would have told him he’d be sitting at a wedding and pining for a relationship, while he watched so many couples spin dreamily arm in arm with their significant other on the dance floor, he would have scoffed and called them crazy.

Adler Warfield was a typical handsome, charismatic, egotistical rich playboy, and the heir to the biggest meat company in the United States, Warfield Meats. He had never had a problem finding a girl to drape from his arm, or to warm his bed. Ever since he was sixteen and finally talked the beautiful captain of his college prep academy’s volleyball team to accompany him to his formal and ended up “getting some” for the first time in the back seat of his jeep, girls had been easy, and sex had been prolific.

Last night was no different. He and Desiree, the woman he had been sort-of seeing, had a typical night of groundbreaking sex. That woman was creative, that's for sure. Now here he was, at the wedding of someone he hardly knew with Desiree.Unfortunately, she was off working, helping the caterer, and cutting the cake, and he was left sitting alone, like so many girls he had left in his wake.

Okay, so he sort of knew the bride. He’d met her at the end of last summer when he and his cousin Tristan were at a convention in Gatlinburg and spent the last weekend hiking and enjoying the area. Tristan had ended up with Stacey, his now girlfriend, and Adler met Elizabeth, today’s bride, who was at the time on the outs with her fiancé, today’s groom. Elizabeth was one of the few women who didn’t fall for Adler’s charms. There was a first time for everything.

But now, as he watched Elizabeth and Brady dance in each other’s arms with their son cuddled between them, he couldn't deny she was happy. Any idiot could see that. Both her boys adored her, the tiny one with brown curls and his dad. Good for her.

It was a good thing they didn’t start a relationship. Adler didn’t do kids. Maybe one day, if they’re his own, but someone else’s baggage? Yeah. Not his thing.

Adler’s gaze roamed the tent. It was a perfect May night for an outdoor wedding. The temperature was mild, with a little nip in the air, but ideal for those dressed in formal wear. His gaze stopped on Tristan and Stacey. They were holding each other tight and dancing to the slow song that played over the speakers. Adler’s mom might get her lifelong dream of becoming a grandma after all.

Tristan and Stacey were perfect together. He was head over heels in love with her, and Adler was sure she felt the same way. Tristan deserved to be loved and happy. He’d had a hard enough life. His father died when Adler and Tristan were just babies. Tristan and his mom moved onto the grounds of Adler’s house. Their moms were sisters, so Tristan and Adler, who were only one month apart in age, ended up growing up more like brothersthan cousins. Then Tristan’s mother came down with cancer and passed away, forcing him to move into the main house when he was in sixth grade, and was raised like a son by Adler’s parents, Don and Elisha.

Adler let out a sigh and emptied his beer.I can either sit here like a creeper, watching everyone dance, wishing I had what they had—which is just fucked up—or go pull Des away from the cake table long enough to dance and get my mind back on the here and now. Being with a sexy, hot woman.

Adler pushed himself up and sauntered to the other side of the tent. He admired Desiree the closer and closer he got. She was hot and trouble, two things that always got his attention.

She’d pinned her auburn hair on top of her head, and it looked elegant along with her spaghetti strap formfitting maroon dress. It clung perfectly to all her curves and accented her breasts—his favorite.

“Hey. I was studying you as I crossed the room. You look hot tonight,” Adler said as he approached.

“You were studying me? What am I, a textbook?” She placed a slice of cake on a plate.

“Maybe. Sometimes you’re as hard to crack.” He smiled the sexy crooked smile that met his eyes.

Desiree shook her head. “We’ll get some studying done later.”

“Sounds like a plan.” He picked up a plate with cake on it.

Desiree looked up. “So, you’re finally ready to try my cake? I figured you’d be one of the first in line.”

“I’ve heard cake is an excellent substitute for sex, and with what you’re doing to me in that dress, I need something to take the edge off.”

Desiree laughed and stared at him, her eyes hot and focused.

“Scuse me.” The young woman Adler had noticed helping Desiree earlier was at the table with a large empty tray. He stepped out of the way as she filled it with more cake slices.

Her downplayed attractiveness caught his eye. It wasn’t the first time he’d seen her. He’d seen her around, knew she worked at the boutique in town and sometimes helped Desiree, but this time, her being there, this close to him, sent a strange sensation into the pit of his stomach.

Up close, Adler could tell she wasn’t drop-dead gorgeous like Desiree, but she was cute and very attractive. Her brown hair reflected the light and fell in soft waves over her shoulders. She wore very little makeup and had a spattering of freckles across her nose. They were adorable and made her even more attractive. His gaze lingered there.

When she looked up, their gazes locked, and he noticed her eyes were a unique hazel color that drew him in. A smile ticked up the edges of his lips. Yeah, she was hot, but in a different way than Desiree. She seemed almost innocent.

She gave him a small smile as picked up the now full tray and continued her job.

Adler admired her from behind as she walked away. She wore a red dress that fell just below her knees. The sleeves were ruffled and short, barely covering her shoulders, and the bodice was cut in a scooped neckline which showed some tantalizing, yet tasteful, cleavage.

He studied her as he ate his cake. See, he did a lot of studying. Her hips swayed enticingly as she walked. A tighter dress, fitting snugly around those hidden curves, would be interesting.I bet she’s got some curvy hips and a nice ass. Too bad she’s hiding it.

“Why are you zoning out?” Desiree followed Adler’s eyes and raised her brow.
