Page 39 of You Are Enough

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As the horses ambled toward the pond, a flash of lightning was followed quickly by a crack of thunder. The horses picked up their pace to a trot, and Leila found herself needing to hold on with both hands as her body bounced uncomfortably up and down in the saddle. They got to the oak tree right when the sky opened up. Adler helped her down from Dandelion, and they took off for the cabin in a torrential downpour. It wasn’t a long run, but it was long enough. They were both drenched by the time they made it to the door of the cabin.

Leila squealed as another crash of thunder boomed overhead, and Adler laughed a deep laugh as he pushed them through the door out of the rain.

“Oh, my gosh. That came out of nowhere.” Leila’s hair was plastered to her head. She pulled her tank top away from her body. It was suctioned to her like she’d gone swimming with her clothes on. She shook her arms, trying to get some water off them, and froze as Adler’s thick laugh filled the small cabin. “Is something funny?” she asked as she glanced at him through wet lashes.

What she saw took her breath away. His hair was stuck to his head, and he scrubbed his fingers into it, causing water to spray everywhere.

“Hey!” she squealed. “You’re worse than a wet dog.”

“Really. You should see yourself. You’re no better.”

She slapped his arm. “Rude.”

He moved away from her, laughing.

“Okay, umm.” She looked around the small cabin, hoping for towels or something they could dry off with. There was a wooden bench, two rocking chairs, and a small table with chairs around it. It was a cute area, and surprisingly clean, but also not surprisingly, everything was wood. “This is cute.” She said as she walked around the small space. “But there wouldn’t, by any chance, be some towels or blankets?”

“Nope. Sorry.”

She walked to the window, which looked out on the large meadow. The horses had taken shelter under the extended roof. It was like they knew where to go to get out of the rain.

The rain poured down outside, and the thunder continued to crash. Luckily it was a hot day, so being wet wasn’t so bad.

Leila turned quickly and smacked right into Adler. His arms wrapped around her, and her hands rested on his chest. She could feel the warmth of his skin through his damp T-shirtwhich, when dry, stuck tight to his body. Now that it was wet, it clung to him like Saran Wrap, showing off all the curves and contours of the muscles underneath.

Her eyes left the muscles of his chest and traveled up to his throat and then rested on his lips. Her breath hitched. She imagined those soft-looking lips on hers.

Her pulse picked up speed as Adler’s grip tightened around her, and he pulled her closer. Her pulse continued to race until she needed to open her mouth a bit so she could breathe.

Don’t look up any higher. Don’t meet his eyes.She kept her gaze fixed on his chin, on the slight stubble that was there. On his lips that parted just a little.

Suddenly his thumb and finger rubbed against her chin, and he was nudging it up, and up, until her eyes finally collided with his.

He was so close she could feel his breath on her, and she could smell his cologne, and damn, he smelled good. Their gazes held each other, and the pull she felt between them on the Ferris wheel and on her porch Thursday night held her in place, and a familiar heat in her gut grew just as it had earlier today on the ATV. The only difference was they had people to interrupt them then, but here there was no one else.

His hands held her face and his thumbs traced over the bridge of her nose down under her eyes and over her cheeks. “I love those freckles.” His voice was a thick whisper and her stomach turned to mush.

The heat searing from his brown eyes melted hers, and she no longer heard the rain against the roof or the thunder crackling through the sky. It was like time stood still as she became caught in those deep brown eyes like a riptide in the ocean. She was being pulled away from shore but hoped she wouldn’t be released. All she could think of was closing the space between them, burying her fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck, andfeeling those lips on hers. Warmth spread throughout her body as his hand went behind her neck, and he held her tightly.

Then his lips met hers.

The kiss was gentle and sweet, and his lips were as soft and warm as she’d imagined they’d be.

Her heart throbbed against her chest. This was crazy. He wasn’t right for her, but she didn’t want to stop.

Then he pulled away, and her eyes slowly fluttered open.

Their eyes searched each other again, and she slid her hand behind his neck and lifted up on her toes. She needing to feel his lips against hers again. She pulled him to her, closing the gap between them, and their mouths met again. Not as soft this time, but full of desire. Full of need.

Her mouth opened as his tongue pushed its way in, and their tongues danced together, deepening the kiss. Her arms were wrapped around his neck. One of his arms was holding her tightly against her lower back. The other was grasped behind her neck, and his fingers were wrapped in her hair, holding her tight. Her insides melted under his kiss as a throb of desire tore from her toes to her head.

Their breathing became gasping, and his lips moved down her throat, causing her to arch her neck as a soft groan escaped from her followed by a deeper, manly one from him.

Finally, his lips found their way to hers again, and they devoured each other like they would die if parted. Adler backed her up against the wall, and Leila’s pulse raced as heat roared to life in her groin.

Adler suddenly broke their connection, but their mouths were millimeters from each other. Leila caught her breath but wasn’t ready to be separated from him. She pressed her lips against his again in a long, deep single kiss. They broke away, and he leaned his forehead against hers. She breathed in deeply, needing to get control, and slowly opened her eyes.

His were on fire, desire evident in their depths. “Thank you for that,” he said in a breathy voice. He kissed the tip of her nose. “That was more amazing than I imagined.”
