Page 57 of Willow

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He pauses for a few seconds, and I’m holding my breath.

“It surprised me,” he says honestly. “I didn’t think you’d ever consider leaving the city.”

“Neither did I,” I admit.

He’s still for another beat while he continues to hold me. The breeze ruffles the stray hairs that have found their way out of my ponytail.

“I wouldn’t be doing it for you. I’d be doing it for me.”

I want him to know that I wouldn’t upend my life for a man. That I love spending time with him, and I want to continue to see him, but that this move wouldn’t bebecauseof him. He’s a factor, but he isn’t the reason.

“Okay,” he drawls, and I think he sounds a little offended.

I pull back so I can see his face. A small smile tilts my mouth. “I didn’t mean that in a bad way. I love being with you. These past days have been amazing. But I don’t want you to think that I’m considering a move here permanently just to be with you.”

That would put too much pressure on both of us.

I move back a step, and he lets me. My heart falls as he says nothing. I don’t know what I want from him. Reassurance maybe? I turn away and start digging through my pack, looking for another layer to throw on over my T-shirt. It’s a good excuse to avoid his eyes.

“I know this is a vacation fling. We’re just having fun.” I’m giving him an out, but I don’t want him to take it.

“Hey,” he says gently.

I keep looking through my things. I find the long-sleeved pullover I was looking for and tug it overhead.

“Hey,” he says again, more firmly this time.

His fingers find my chin and tip my face upward until I’m forced to look at him. There’s an amused smirk on his face and something that resembles affection in his midnight eyes. I try to avert my gaze, but he’s not having it.

“Lo, look at me.”

I do. He’s so handsome; it physically hurts.

“It’s not just a fling. But I never thought about us beyond the weeks you were planning to be here because I didn’t think there was a possibility that you would be here longer. If you tell me there is a chance, I’m happy about it. I’d love for you to stay.”

“Yeah?” I ask, my insecurity radiating through my cautious question and the trepidation on my face.

“Yeah,” he murmurs.

His eyes drop to my mouth and stay. His hand shifts around to the back of my neck and holds me there as his lips bridge the distance between us. I taste the hint of mint toothpaste as his tongue slides across mine.

From the beginning, Zane has felt like the sweetest respite from my problems. But as my feelings have started to deepen and expand, he’s been feeling more and more like a potential home these days. And it terrifies me. I never expected to meet someone here. And Zane wasn’t the only one who wasn’t thinking beyond a few days together.

But meeting him and getting to know him better … I’m starting to wonder if he’s going to play a major part in my life. And I’m beginning to think that I want him to.

He kisses me until my self-doubt disappears. And I miss him when he pulls away.

“Are you hungry?” he asks.

I nod.

Zane builds a fire while I remove the hot dogs he brought, along with skewers to cook them. We roast the dogs until they have a bubbling brown crust along the outside, snack on chips, and keep our conversation more lighthearted. I remove a package of marshmallows, and we melt some and make s’mores for dessert. Zane ends up with smeared chocolate and sticky sugar across his lips. I take my time licking them off.

“The only time I eat s’mores is when I’m here,” I confess.

“You can’t eat s’mores in the city.” Zane scoffs. “The only proper place to eat them is over an open fire.”

