Page 40 of Sight Unseen

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“I don’t hate you, Diana; it's everything but hate I feel for you,” he said, dropping his staff.

My breath hitched, and I couldn’t tear my gaze away from the beautiful, infuriating man in front of me. I threw my staff to the ground as another bolt of lightning lit up the sky.

“Then why do you treat me like you do? You can’t be in a room with me for more than five minutes without being angry. Tell me what I did to make you so mad.” I screamed.

“Nothing! You didn't do anything but threaten to break down the walls I put up to protect this team, and it's nothing you could help because it's you.” He said as anger filled his eyes.

My breath caught in my chest; I didn't understand what that meant.

“You come in here like a tornado and have them wrapped around your finger in mere days, and I hate myself because I feel for you even though I know I shouldn’t. Even though I know you’ll break my heart. You’ll leave just like she did. Death will rip you away from me. So, I chose to hate you instead. Since I first laid eyes on you, I knew you were the most beautiful woman I’ve ever come across, but to protect myself, I needed to close myself off to you because if I fell for you, then I would put you first instead of my team. I couldn’t lose someone again like I lost her,” Apollo said with so much sorrow in his voice.

“Apollo, that won't happen; I don't plan on going anywhere. I want you, all of you.” I said, my voice hitching on the last word.

“It’s better this way. Someone needs to have the team’s back, and that won’t happen if we're all focused on you!” He spat.

His words cut deep, causing tears to fill my eyes. I blinked them away; I would not allow this asshole to see me cry.

“I’ll have your back,” I said, my voice cracking, filled with the pain I felt on the inside.

Apollo stared at me, looking for the truth of my words.

Something in his gaze shifted, and he took two long strides toward me, and before I could blink, I was wrapped in his arms. He picked me up, and I instinctively wrapped my legs around him. His lips crashed against mine in a bruising kiss. I gasped, and he took the opportunity to dip his tongue into my mouth, fighting against mine. Our teeth clashed together; there was so much anger and heartbreak behind his kiss. Like he was begging me for something, I would give him whatever he needed; he just needed to let me in.

I caressed his chest, running my hand between us, dipping under his shorts. I grasped his hard length in my palm, and a growl vibrated deep in his chest.

“Do you know what you're asking for, firecracker? Once we cross this line, you're mine.” He growled, his lips a breath away from mine.

I reached out and bit his lip; the tang of copper filled my mouth. The next heartbeat, Apollo ripped my leggings straight down the middle, pulling them off my legs.

“Are you fucking serious?” I said dumbfounded, as he ripped my panties off next, then yanked my bra up and over my head, leaving me naked, clinging to him.

Surprise sparkled in his eyes as he caught sight of the barbells through my nipples. Were my piercings really a shock to every man?

“Your fucking crazy,” I yelled over the next crash of thunder and pouring rain.

I helped push his shorts and boxers down his legs, and he kicked them off, all while still holding me up in a death grip.

Heat pulled between my legs at his unhinged roughness. This man was insane and I loved it. It turned me on so much I was dripping for him.

I angled his cock at my entrance, begging him with my eyes to slide in.

Apollo’s grip on my hips was bruising as he held me just above his dick. Not dropping me down, allowing me access to what I craved, what I needed.

“Please.” I didn’t even know what I was begging for. I didn't know if I wanted him to fuck me or let me go. My core clenched, and I could feel my arousal dripping down his shaft.

“Please what, firecracker? Tell me with that pretty mouth of yours what it is you want from me?” He said as a panty-dropping grin spread across his face.

Holy fucking hot; if I thought brooding asshole Apollo was sexy, this version of him was god-like.

His hands slid from my hips to caress my ass, kneading the soft flesh. His touch sent tingles all over my body; I needed more.

“Please, Alpha, fuck me, shove your cock deep inside me, and make me yours,” I said breathless. Nipping at his ear and kissing my way down his throat.

Thunder filled the air, and lighting crashed in the field behind him as Apollo dropped me down his length in one quick movement. Pushing his cock deep inside me, our moans mixed together.

“Holy fuck, yes,” I screamed.

“Is that what you want, Diana? You want me to fuck this pretty pussy and show the world it's mine.” He said as he bounced me on his cock.
