Page 109 of Making It Count

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“God, you’re so fucking gorgeous,” Shay let out. “We need to go to sleep right now because it’s late, and we have the most important game of our lives tomorrow, but you and me – we’re not doing this sexting thing much longer, babe. I can’t. I need to touch you.”

“I know. I need it, too. Soon,” Layne replied.


Shay stood on the court, ready to play, and Layne was out there next to her, earning her second start in the tournament. This was the Final Four, and during a normal year, it would’ve been even more intense. This year, though, as much as possible had been done virtually, including interviews with the press, which Shay hated but had no choice but to participate in. Layne had given some interviews, too. It had been awkward for both of them, but as the only number twelve to ever make it this far, they were the Cinderella story of the year. Shay didn’t want to be a Cinderella story, though. She wanted to be the team that people expected to win.

She brought the ball up the court with one minute left in the third quarter. They were down by six, but they’d keep themselves close enough the whole game so as not to get blown out. Shay saw a gap and went for it, running by the defense and to the basket, where she put up her shot, was fouled, and fell down. She landed awkwardly and rolled her ankle.

“Shit,” she muttered, hoping the ref and the cameras didn’t hear her.

“Are you okay?” Layne asked, helping her up and holding on to her how she had in the last game.

“I rolled it,” Shay replied.

“You think you can make the free throw?” Hilton asked her.

“Yeah, I’m good.”

She shook it off as Layne let her go and headed to the free-throw line. They were down by four, so she needed to get them within one possession before the fourth quarter, at least. She limped a little and tried to keep her face from showing the pain she was feeling before she took the ball from the ref, completed her free-throw ritual, and made the shot. Then, she tried to take a few steps back to get on defense, but her ankle wasn’t having it. Shay managed to hobble back, but when she was tested, she couldn’t keep with the guard, who easily made it around her. Thankfully, though, when that player tried to pass the ball back out, her teammate wasn’t ready. The ball went out of bounds, and Dunbar got possession. Then, the buzzer sounded, and Shay didn’t have to look up to know it was a sub for her.

“What happened?”

“I rolled it,” Shay answered Coach’s question.

“Shit,” she said. “Get to the trainer. Have it checked out.”

“I just need a minute. I’ll wrap it and go back out.”

“We’ll see.” Coach pointed to the trainer, who was ready for her at the end of the bench.

Shay walked over, feeling her ankle stiffen a bit, but it wasn’t terrible. She could walk on it, and if she just worked it out a bit, she was sure she’d be able to go back into the game.

“Have a seat. How does it feel?”

“I just rolled it. I can go back in,” she replied as the trainer began to remove her shoe and sock.

“Swelling yet?” he asked.

“It’s a little stiff. Can you spray that magic stuff and wrap it? I can make it back out when the fourth quarter starts.”

He examined her foot, then pressed a little, and asked, “Does this hurt?”

“Yes,” she replied.


“Yeah, but–”

“I want an X-ray to be safe,” he said.


“Precautionary. You’re walking on it, but it’s swelling. I can’t see everything on an X-ray, but we can make sure there’s not a micro-fracture.”

“Fracture?” she asked. “It’s not broken. You just said I’m walking on it.”

“You didn’t snap it, but I want to make sure. We have an X-ray here, Shay. Let’s go to the back and check it out. Five minutes.”
