Page 25 of Making It Count

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Whenever the team wanted to watch film but not use the film room, either because it was in use by another team or it was just easier to use the room downstairs in their own dorm, they came down here. Layne always tried to be early to pick her seat before everyone arrived and did the same. With fifteen of them, there wasn’t enough actual furniture in the area, so the freshmen would bring over a few of the folding chairs that could be found leaning against any wall in the place, and they’d sit in those while the upperclassmen got the more comfortable chairs. It was usually Martin or Shay up at the TV, running through the film with them, pointing things out. Today, Shay had walked in right on time and had sat down on the sofa, and Martin was up at the TV.

“I got pushed out of bounds,” Layne stated. “So, I had to go wide and come back in, which meant the timing was off.”

“Ref should’ve called that,” Shay added.

Layne looked over at her and gave her a small smile. She’d nearly seen Shay naked a few hours ago. She’d kissed her the previous night and had almost seen her naked in the shower today. It had definitely been a strange set of events in Layne’s otherwise pretty boring life. She’d averted her eyes quickly enough to only get a blur of Shay’s body, but she’d seen Shay in her underwear before and could use her very vivid imagination to insert the parts of Shay’s body she’d never seen. That imagination had also meant that she hadn’t gotten that nap in, how she’d hoped, and that she was still exhausted from not sleeping the previous night and not getting in a nap she desperately needed.

“Shit. Yeah, sorry, Layne. He should’ve called that,” Martin agreed after she ran the play back and watched Layne get pushed by another player and end up nearly running into the ref, who had to be blind to miss that foul call.

They continued to watch, with Martin or someone else sometimes pausing, rewinding, and pointing something out for them to go over. Finally, when they were done, Layne prepared to stand, but one of the sophomores who had been sitting next to her got up and walked to answer her phone right before Martin had told them that they could go, and before Layne could stand, Shay was suddenly sitting in the sophomore’s chair.

“Hey,” she said.

“Hey,” Layne replied.

“So, did you think of your excuse yet? Going with the need to study?”

“For dinner?”


“No, I think I’m going to go, actually.”

“You are?”

“Yeah. Why?”

“Just surprising. I thought you’d bail.”

“If we go now, we’ll miss the long line,” Roy said of the cafeteria as she hurried past them. “I’m starving.”

“Me too,” Shay said more to Layne than to Roy as Roy ran off.

“Better go. You might end up in the long line,” Layne replied.

“You coming?” Shay asked.

“Oh, you’re… waiting for me?”

“We’re going to the same place, Layne.” Shay chuckled.

“Right.” Layne stood up then, and Shay stood as well, motioning for her to go first. “Think I’ll ditch you if you don’t walk behind me?” she joked.

“Not sure yet. You might be playing the long game here. Telling me that you’re going with us, and when I’m not looking, you’ll disappear down a hallway behind me on the way there. I’ll find you in your room later eating ramen from the container or something.”

“You’ve never been to my room,” Layne stated.

She wasn’t sure why she’d said it that way or felt the need to state that fact at all, but she had, and there it was.

“No, I haven’t. You haven’t been to mine, though, either.”

“I haven’t been invited.”

“Did I miss my invite to your room?” Shay asked, laughing a little as they walked down the tiled hallway that would lead them to the cafeteria.

“No, but I don’t really invite anyone in there.”

“Not even the women you dated?”
