Page 12 of Mr. January

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"Oh," escapes my lips as realization dawns.

I watch as he tears the wrapper open with his teeth. As his black boxer briefs slide down his strong thighs, revealing something undeniably impressive, my eyes remain locked on him.

Our gazes meet, his movements are deliberate and enticing as he sheaths himself. Then, he returns to me, and the charged tension between us crackles with longing.

I bite my lip, my heart racing as Knox eases back onto the bed. The anticipation is electric, the air thick with desire and uncertainty. I observe as he hovers above my body, his eyes locked onto mine with a primal hunger.

With a gentle touch, he traces his fingers along the curve of my cheek, sending shivers down my spine. His voice, husky and filled with raw need, whispers, "Are you sure about this?"

My breath hitches, my body aflame with a fervent 'yes.' I nod, my unwavering gaze locking with his intense stare. Doubt dissipates in that moment, replaced by trust in him and our shared connection.

Knox's lips descend to mine, capturing me in a scorching kiss that ignites a fiery passion deep within. Simultaneously, he presses deep inside me, filling me entirely. Pleasure mingles with a hint of pain, and I whimper softly. I'd had encounters in college, but nothing like this. Knox, at 22, would be my first. He looks at me with concern and slows his movements. Tears glisten in my eyes.

"Robyn, are you...?"

"Please, don't stop," I implore, my fingernails digging into his hips, urging him to continue, and he complies.

Knox is tender and attentive, ensuring my pleasure is as paramount as his own. Each thrust brings a fresh wave of ecstasy, and I can't help but cry out with each one. My heart feels like it might burst from my chest, but I wouldn't trade this moment for anything in the world.

His eyes convey an affection I can't quite put into words. And then, with sudden intensity, he quickens the pace, his hips driving against mine. I cry out his name, my body tightening as I reach the height of pleasure. For a fleeting moment, the world blurs around me, and all that exists is the overwhelming intensity of our connection.

As I gradually descend from my euphoric peak, I see Knox's face, filled with satisfaction and relief. His lips curve into a small smile, and he pulls me close, enfolding me in his arms. I feel his heart racing, synchronized with mine.

We remain intertwined like that for a while, wrapped in each other's embrace, our bodies still intimately connected. The tension that had built between us earlier has dissolved, replaced by a profound sense of fulfillment.

I must have dozed off from post-passion exhaustion because it feels like mere minutes later when the buzzing of my cell phone on the floor startles me awake. I glance over at Knox, who's sleeping soundly beside me, his bare chest rising and falling with each breath. Carefully, I untangle myself from his embrace and slip out of the bed.

As I tiptoe across the plush suite, I retrieve my phone from the floor, my heart pounding in my chest. Mrs. McGee must be worried sick, wondering where I am and why I haven't returned to check on the kids. Trying not to make a sound, I duck into the bathroom to take the call.

"Mrs. McGee, I'm so sorry," I say, guilt already gnawing at me. "I got caught up at work, but I'm on my way home now." Glancing at the time, I curse softly. "Damn, it's past 2:00 a.m. I promise I'll be there as soon as I can."

But before I can explain further, Mrs. McGee interrupts me,and I can hear the worry in her voice as she speaks,"Robyn, you need to hurry. Anika has been taken to the hospital." She mentions a complication from pediatric cancer that has landed my youngest sister in the hospital.

The gravity of the situation settles over me like a heavy shroud. "Oh my God, oh my God," I whisper, my voice quivering with fear as I scramble to put on my dress, my fingers fumbling with the fabric. Every second that ticks by feels like an eternity. Anika needs me, and I can't let her down.

"Is she at the Children's Hospital?" I ask, panic gripping my chest and my hands tremblingas I listen to the details.

Mrs. McGee confirms Anika is at the Children's Hospital, and I feel like the worst caregiver in the world. I've been wrapped up with Knox all night, playing cards, and my sister isn't well. I assure the elderly woman I'll be there as soon as possible, but as I end the call, desperation sets in. My heart is pounding in my chest as I end the call, tears prick at the corners of my eyes. The guilt and desperation are palpable.I need to find my purse, which I can't recall if I left it downstairs with my winnings from the blackjack tournament. I search the suite frantically, and relief washes over me as I spot it on the floor. I grab it, but when I check inside, panic surges as I realize my predicament: I have no money, and my phone is about to die. There's no way I can afford a cab to get to the hospital.

Desperation leads me to Knox's wallet, sitting innocently on the bedside table. I hesitate momentarily, torn between the situation's urgency and the guilt of taking his money without permission. But I have no other choice. There's no time to leave a note or wake him. I quickly grab a few twenty dollar bills from his wallet, intending to repay it later, and hope he'll understand once he wakes up.

I slip on my shoes and give Knox one last longing look, silently praying for his forgiveness. With a heavy heart, I slip out of the room, leaving behind the man who had become an unexpected source of comfort and desire in my chaotic life.

Chapter Ten

Knox - 15 years ago

Iwake up to the soft glow of morning light filtering through the windows of the plush penthouse suite, and for a moment, I bask in the warmth of the memories from last night. Robyn's presence, her laughter, and the intense connection we shared still linger in the air. Despite the undeniable attraction between us, I'm left with a sense of frustration and confusion that gnaws at me.

As I stretch lazily in the luxurious bed, I can't help but feel a mix of emotions. Part of me is eager to confront Robyn and have an honest conversation about where we stand. I've fallen for her, and I want to know if there's a chance for us to build something meaningful together. But there's another part of me that's wary, cautious of the deception I suspect lies beneath the surface.

However, my eagerness to connect with her is met with an immediate pang of disappointment and then anger when I realize that the other side of the bed is cold and empty. Robyn is not here, and that realization hits me like a punch to the gut. My frustration grows as I glance around the suite, spotting her dress and belongings gone. She's left me without a word, without an explanation.

The pieces start to fall into place, and a painful realization washes over me. The signs are unmistakable. Robyn, the woman I had started to envision a future with, is the thief who had been cheating at my casino. The betrayal I feel cuts deep, and it's a sharp contrast to the vulnerability I allowed myself to experience with her last night.

I struggle to make sense of it all. Was she playing a game from the very beginning? Did she ever truly care about me, or was I just another mark in her scheme? The questions swirl in my mind, fueling a mix of anger, hurt and confusion.

I know I need answers, and I can't let this deception go unresolved. With determined resolve, I get out of bed and search for clues she might have left behind. But it becomes clear that she had carefully covered her tracks. There's no note, no explanation, just her absence and the feeling of betrayal hanging in the air.
