Page 26 of Mr. January

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I can feel the panic welling up inside me."Anika, he can't be here. He can't know where I live, especially now."

"He doesn't know about Ryan, Robyn? Why haven't you told him, yet?"Anika asks.

I sigh with exasperation."Of course he doesn't know about Ryan. I didn't tell him yet because the timing sucks! But he has no right to just show up like this."

Before I can argue with my sister any further or even compose myself, I hear a knock on the door. Dread washes over me, and I'm torn between wanting to see Knox and not wanting to see him at all. The internal turmoil is overwhelming, and I don't know how to navigate this unexpected visit.

Anika's voice still lingers on the phone, filled with concern."Do you want me to come over, Robyn? I've been spending so much time there, anyway. I can help be a buffer if you need me."

I appreciate my sister's offer, but I know I have to face this on my own."No, Anika, thanks, but I'll deal with it. You've done enough."

With a final thank you to my sister, I end the call and take a moment to gather myself. The knocking on the door and the persistent doorbell ringing continue, and I can't let it disturb Ryan. With a heavy sigh, I stand and gather myself and slowly make my way to the door.

Each step feels like a burden, and as I reach for the doorknob, I take a deep breath to steady myself. I can't avoid this conversation any longer. I have to confront Knox, and it terrifies me.

I open the door, and there he stands, looking as determined but devastatingly handsome as ever. The irritation from his persistence, and the apprehension of facing our reality, churn within me.

"What do you want, Knox?"I ask, my voice tinged with annoyance, but beneath it lies the vulnerability I can't hide.


Standing in front of the beautifully maintained single-family home in the prestigious Whitestone neighborhood, I barely notice the quiet elegance it exudes. My anxiety has me marching up to the front door, my mind racing with a mix of emotions, but determination leading the way. I knock then ring the bell, the anticipation building with each passing second.

After what feels like an eternity, the door swings open, and there she is—Robyn, disheveled and with swollen eyes, clearly from crying, holding a small baby in her arms. Our eyes lock, and a wave of emotions washes over me. My gaze shifts from Robyn to the baby and back to her, my expression I'm sure is a turbulent mix of confusion and disbelief. Robyn, equally stunned, struggles to process my sudden appearance at her door step.

Before either of us can speak, the tension between us escalates. Robyn's voice wavers with a mix of anger and vulnerability as she demands an explanation for my unexpected visit.

"Knox, what the hell are you doing here!?"Robyn speaks again, this time her words come out sharp and indignant, but hushed, her eyes flashing with a fire that matches her tone.

As I step inside, not awaiting an invitation, and close the door, I take a moment to look around at my surroundings. Robyn's home is immaculately decorated, striking a balance between comfort and luxury. It's a stark contrast to the over-the-top opulence I'm accustomed to in the Forrester estates. The tasteful decor catches my attention, and I can't help but comment on it, my curiosity getting the better of me.

"Nice place you've got here,"I say, trying to break the ice and ease the palpable tension.

Robyn's response is laced with bitterness and sarcasm, her words carrying the weight of unspoken emotions."Of course, it is. The Forresters are footing the bill,"she retorts, her voice heavy with the underlying tension that hangs in the air. The mention of my family supporting her raises questions in my mind. What does it mean? Is this some form of hush money to keep her silent about her true feelings for me? The complexity of our situation becomes even more evident as we stand there, locked in a silent battle of emotions.

But before I can delve further into that matter, a soft cooing sound from the small bundle in Robyn's arms draws my attention back to the present, to the matter at hand—the elephant in the room. The baby is wrapped in a fluffy blue and yellow blanket, and all I can see is the top of its head.

I search Robyn's eyes, now welling with tears, wanting her to say something, but she remains silent. Is she going to explain this baby to me, or do I have to ask?

I'm eager to get a glimpse of the child, to see what features he has. Does he look like eitherme?I have reddish-brown hair, hazel eyes, and am of Anglo-Saxon and Irish descent, with fair and striking features. On the other hand, Robyn is of Indian Asian descent, with olive skin, dark hair, and beautiful brown eyes.

Our voices must have startled the baby awake. His big, bright eyes, a light color resembling a mixture of my hazel eyes and her brown eyes, pop open and lock onto me. Those eyes, so vivid and inquisitive, instantly captivate me. It's as if he's trying to figure out who this new person in the room is.

My heart skips a beat as I look at him. He has my reddish-brown hair, just like I do, but with a darker brown tint, taking on Robyn's features as well. There's something incredibly endearing about the way he looks at me, as if he already knows who I am.

I can't help but reach out, and his little hand grips my finger tightly. It's a simple touch, but it feels like a powerful connection between us. In that moment, it's as if the universe is telling me this is my son, and I can't deny the overwhelming surge of love and responsibility that washes over me.

As I continue to gaze into his eyes, I feel a mix of emotions—love, happiness, and the realization that this little guy is a part of both Robyn and me. He represents our love and a future I can't ignore—I won't. It's a moment that will stay with me forever, and I know from now on, my life will be forever changed.

The unspoken question lingers between us, a heavy burden we both carry. Finally, unable to contain my curiosity any longer, I ask the question lingering between us."Is he...ours?"My voice trembles with a mix of hope and fear.

Robyn hesitates for a moment, her gaze locks with mine, and then she reveals the truth that has the power to change everything."Yes, Knox. Meet our son, Ryan."

The weight of Robyn's revelation bears down on me like a ton of bricks, threatening to crush my composure. My legs weaken beneath me, and Robyn's concerned voice cuts through the haze of my thoughts.

"Do you want to sit down?"she asks gently.

I nod, unable to form coherent words. We move to the living room, where the soft hues of the decor offer a soothing contrast to the turmoil within me. Robyn takes a seat, and I follow suit, sinking into the plush cushions.
