Page 13 of Faux Beau

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“Wait, you went on a date and you’re just now telling us?” Kat threw her thong at Milly, pegging her in the head.

“Well, he got a call and had to take a rain check.”

Kat snorted. “That sounds like Lucas. Business first, fun coming in last place. I never knew what you saw in him.”

“What do you mean? He’s responsible, mature, giving. And he is so devoted to helping his family. It’s sexy.”

“Sexy is his brother,” Kat said. “Jax is fun, outgoing, and with a touch of bad boy.”

“He once snowboarded in nothing but his underwear,” Milly pointed out.

“Like I said, fun and outgoing.”

“I dated fun and outgoing once and he bailed when life got complicated. As for bad boys, they aren’t my type.”

Gemma’s smile faded a little bit when she looked at Milly. “Dillon was an dick. You deserve better, and he was an ass for making you feel like you didn’t.”

“Then there’s a lot of asses in my past.” And a lot of heartbreak. Well, she’d thought so until she lost Zoe and then she learned what heartache really felt like.

“It’s because you date the same guy in a different suit. In Manhattan, women outnumber the men. It’s a neanderthal market, and they can date and date and date without commitment. Who can blame them? It’s a smorgasbord of women.”

“I can,” Kat said. “I’ve had my fair share of assholes.”

“That’s because you date Mr. Wrongs,” Gemma said.

“Is it too much to ask for a bad boy who is hot, dangerous, and loyal?”

Gemma leveled Kat with a seriously? look. “Men are a complex combo of ego and testosterone, which renders them stupid. Especially suits who live in New York.”

“And how is it different here with all of the ski bums?” Milly asked.

“Because ski bums are fun, and you need a little fun in your life. Sooo, let’s swipe right on that.” Kat held up her lingerie set. “Here’s to the best Ghost-lorette Party in the history of Ghost-lorette Parties.”

Chapter Four

Take Life by the Balls

Always opt for lace over cotton.

Milly was out.

She took one look at the overflowing crowd in Bigfoot’s Brews, the rustic bar situated at the base of Sierra Vista Lodge, and nearly turned face to head home. This was not her scene. But it was Zoe’s.

She looked down at the blinged-out urn and sighed. “Pull on your big girl panties and go have some fun.”

“You mean your Mr. Darcy panties,” Kat reminded her. She shoved Milly into the closest available bar stool and scooted in beside her, with Gemma holding down the opposite side. “Just in case you decide to bolt.”

Milly sat the urn on the polished timber bar top. The urn was black marble decorated with a crystal tiara and a custom-made, urn-sized sash that read Goddess. They’d also discovered three other sashes in the box, each with a bedazzled saying: Angel, Devil, Fairy Godmother. It wasn’t hard to decipher which belonged to whom.

Kat ordered a round of cosmos and the second the server was gone the women fell quiet. On the bar sat three envelopes, waiting to be opened.

“Who should go first?” Gemma asked.

“Whoever smelt it dealt it,” Kat said. “You brought it up, you go. And before you claim we should go in alphabetical order, remember your name comes first.”

“I was going to say youngest to oldest.”

Which would mean Milly would go first. “I’m with Kat. You’re up.”
