Page 69 of Faux Beau

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“I’m guessing you don’t play this with your family.”

“Actually, we do. I just added the piece about losing your clothes.”

“You have me held captive, under the stars, with chocolate and beer. The clothes stay on, Prince Charming.”

“My favorite sex position?” Milly asked, and Jax schooled his features. “Somehow I doubt that Peggy and Kent would approve.”

“I may have added a few new questions.” He leaned in until she could smell the scent of smoky pine on his clothes. “Creative license and all.”

Oh, she remembered just how creative he could be, which was not helping her resolve this ridiculous crush. Because that’s all it was, she’d decided, a simple crush that happened when two people had earth-scorching sex. But his thoughtful surprise was making it hard to keep things in check.

They’d had a fun campout fondue, using only their hands and long metal skewers. They’d talked about work for a little and he’d adopted this shy boyishness when he told her about the two new sponsors he’d brought on board. When she’d mentioned the fight between him and Lucas, he’d deflected and pulled out the Jenga game.

She’d volunteered to go first, selecting a block from the middle, rolling her eyes when she read the Sharpied words on the bottom.

“I think you already know my favorite sex position,” she said.

“I do, but I want to hear you say it. That’s the rules of the game. And we both know how much you like rules.”

“I think you’re making up the rules as we go along,” she said, and his charming-as-hell grin told her he was. “Okay, fine, my favorite position is doggy style.” She placed the block back on top. “Your turn.”

He pulled one out from the bottom and flipped it over. It was blank.

“Wait, where’s the question?” she asked.

“Not all the blocks have them.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Does that mean I get to make one up?”

“Just remember, this is a tit-for-tat kind of agreement.”

“So I can ask you anything?”

“Anything. But it goes both ways.”

Where did she even start? She had so many questions she wanted answers to. Including why he was so afraid of commitment. He had all the qualities that would make the perfect partner, but he was always holding something back, and that scared her as much as it drew her to him.

“What are you best at in bed?” she asked, and he tilted a knowing brow. “I want to hear you say it.”

“It involves my tongue and my head between your thighs,” he said, and a quiver ran the entire course of her body.

As if they were discussing the weather, he set the block on top. “Your turn.”

Milly took a block out of the bottom of the stack, which was harder than anticipated because her hands were slightly shaking. She flipped it over and let out a breath. Blank. She wasn’t sure what was more nerve-racking, a predetermined question or a spontaneous one.

“Regretting your addendum to the rules?”

“No.” Her hand was halfway to her wrist when she pulled it back. He chuckled. “Fire away.”

He took a swig of his beer, then rested back on his palms, his upper body facing Milly. “What turns you on?”

He wanted honesty, so she went with honest. “Your tongue and your head between my thighs.”

All of his easygoing, nothing-gets-to-me façade crumbled beneath the heat building between them. His gaze dipped to the V of her legs and held, so long she felt her thong go damp.

She picked a random block from the top and didn’t bother to turn it over. She knew what she was going to ask.

“What’s your favorite place to be massaged?” she asked, her breath coming in short puffs. And, would you look at that, she had shifted so close their knees were touching.
