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I spin in his hold, letting his hands cup my ass with as wicked of a smile as I can muster. “You should see the other things my mouth does.”

“Is that right?” He smirks, his leg sliding between mine to bring us even closer together as we dance.

I dip my chin into a low nod. “Play your cards right. Be a good boy.”

He laughs. A real one from his chest as if what I’ve said was the most insane thing that he’s ever heard. I’m used to being the one in charge with the people I sleep with. I prefer it actually. The women that I’ve been with, I’ve always been the one to wear the metaphorical ‘pants’. I’m a take-charge sort of girl. I like being on top. I get a deep satisfaction from people doing what I say just because they want to please me. But something tells me that this man isn’t going to just roll over and let me walk him like the dog that most men are.

“Something amusing?” I ask, lifting my chin a notch higher.

He lifts a hand between us and captures my chin in his hand. His thumb brushes over the point and then trails across my bottom lip suggestively. My insides clench as he looks down at me with such intensity that I feel the need to clamp my thighs together.

“Oh, I’m going to have so much fun with you.”

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Nothing about what Katya said about her friend and the obvious fact that she was fiercely protective about her makes me think that they are not in a relationship. Was she upset about Marci going off with Dario simply because he was a man? It is hard to think that she might have a preference for women above men when she seemed so willing and comfortably pliant in my arms.

Her skin is impossibly soft. The way she’s moving against me right now makes me want to pick her up and carry her off into the first private space that I can find.

Normally, I’m way more in control of my impulses. Something about the way that she keeps looking up at me through her lashes is driving me insane. Her tongue wets her bottom lip inchallenge of my words. She might be used to being the dominant one in her relationships, but she will not find a submissive bone in my body.

I’m more than willing to fight her for that top position.

One song blends into another, and I swear that it’s like I know her body somehow. My hands seem to fit into her curves perfectly, like she was built for me. Her perfume is sweet but not overly floral. There’s something deeper to it. Something that almost invites me to lean closer to try to learn more. I want to consume her in a way that I’ve never felt before.

Eventually, we have to give space to some of the other dancers, and I also want to see what she’s like with a little bit of liquor in her system. It’s hard to imagine that she needs to loosen her sensual lips any more than they already are - but I want to see her relaxed. If it happens to come with the added benefit of her spilling some of those closely guarded family secrets about her brother, even better.

I’m supposed to be talking. This is a rare opportunity for me. I should be trying to get as many secrets about her and her family out of her as humanly possible. The banter could have turned into fact finding until I got something useful out of the conversation. But, for the first time in my life, I’m too occupied with just watching the way her body moves against mine and every move that she makes.

It feels impossible that this stunning creature in front of me is the one that I’m supposed to kill.

Now that I’ve had my hands on her, I certainly can envision what it might look like with my hands around her neck but not in a capacity that we both wouldn’t enjoy immensely. She’s got so much fire in her eyes. I saw it the moment that she started screaming at the bouncer three times her size outside. To snuff that light out? It was unfathomable.

But she’s still not worth losing my own life for, let alone my position and my reputation in my family.

Guess it can’t hurt to give her one last night of frivolity. I’m going to choose to think of it like a sending away party of sorts.
